Vol 12 Chapter 135: Last month

In Turshua's body as fly ash, only a diamond-shaped crystal glowing with dark light remained.
The crystal flashed from the air, submerged into Plysius' body, and Plysius' breath suddenly changed drastically.
sacred! majesty!
This diamond-shaped crystal is the godhead, and when Tours died, the godhead once possessed by Barceloden became the possession of Plycis.
The power of the cursed bloodline left by Barceloden was instantly purified, and Plycis's power began to skyrocket.
At the moment Turse died, the gods were immediately alarmed.
Powerful consciousness struck like lightning.
In the past, it was possible for a to die only during a battle of gods, but now in peacetime, how did Tours die?
Among these consciousnesses, the first and most surprising one was undoubtedly the Corsican goddess.
Tours was actually killed? How did he do that?
She knew that Chen Bing might do it, but she never expected that Turse would die so quickly and simply.
"That's it!"
"Barceloton died at the hands of Tours!"
When the gods came over, it was just a thought, and they knew the cause of Turse's death.
How the shadow Barceloton died was a mystery, but during the war of the gods, the world was in chaos and the gods did not know the reason.
After Barceloton's death, Tours became the new of shadows. Although some people suspected Tours, they could only give up without evidence.
Although Turs is a new god, his strength is not weak after obtaining the godhead, and it is difficult to kill him.
If you can't kill the opponent, then you can't go to war, otherwise it will only cause endless troubles, indirectly weaken your strength, and let other gods and fishermen benefit.
Now Tours was not really killed by the power of that mortal, but died under a curse, such a powerful curse, there was only one they could think of.
Tours died, and the gods didn't have much friendship with him. The most important thing at the moment is what actions they have to take after the death of Tours in order to get the most benefit.
Especially the human being who killed Turs, although she has gained the godhead and is about to become the new shadow god, but her strength is very weak, much weaker than the weakest among the gods.
As long as there are two gods willing to take action, they can easily kill this new shadow god.
"Everyone, I have no plans to become the of shadows, and killing Turs is only to remove the cursed power on my body. Except for the spoils of the Moebius ring, I am willing to give up the of the gods of shadows, as well as all the believers of the mainland, You can take these!"
Facing the consciousness of the gods, Plycis said loudly.
"The Moebius ring is a strategic artifact, and Tours will leave a set of artifact suits after death."
A voice slowly sounded in the void, speaking out the aspirations of the gods.
Prisis gave up the position of the gods, and the gods have since lost one, and the competition they face is less. The believers of the Shadow God may also become their believers.
But these are all invisible benefits, and it is not certain who they will get these benefits in the end, but the artifact sets left by Moebius Ring and Tours are real, and if you can get them, you can immediately compare yourself to others. The gods are stronger.
The little girl who killed Tours is still very weak, and if she can hand it over with a few words, the reward will be huge.
"I said, this is my spoils and a weapon for my safety. I have no intention of intervening in the fight between your gods, but for self-protection, I cannot and will not give up the Moebius ring and the artifact set. Once I hand it over With these things, I am afraid that I will die soon, and the godhead will be taken away. Whoever wants it, you can come and kill me, the thing is yours. But if you can’t kill me, let me escape. I am not your opponent, but I can also take endless revenge against your believers."
Prisis looked at the void and said coldly.
From the memory of Barceloton, Plycis had long known that there was no peace between the gods.
Killing Tours will inevitably alarm the gods, and how to deal with it, Plycis has already discussed with Chen Bing.
Plycis is not interested in becoming a so-called god, but if she kills Turs, even if she abandons the divine position, she will still gain the godhead and possess a powerful power comparable to the gods.
Such a powerful force will inevitably become the jealousy of the gods. Plycis is not malicious to the gods, but it is difficult to keep the gods having malicious intentions against her.
Moreover, Chen Bing never had the habit of letting out the things he got, so for the Moebius ring and other things, Chen Bing suggested that Plycis stay.
After Plysius finished speaking, the gods were silent again.
Plycis was already very clear. If anyone had any opinions, it basically meant going to war with Plycis.
Plycis is very weak and can't be beaten by anyone, but in the strategic magical Mobis ring, they can't attack for a short time.
If Plysis is a god, that's fine.
Gods can't easily deal with mortals, otherwise they may cause the faith to madness.
And Plycis didn't have this scruples, she didn't even want the position of God, so naturally she didn't have to worry about faith.
She was going to flee with the Moebius ring, and the gods really couldn't help her for a while.
At that time, she went to the kingdom of the gods to spread the faith to kill, and in the end, she might not be able to steal a chicken.
They have time, and they can take a long time to discuss Plycis, and it is not too late to start when they find an opportunity.
They couldn't take a shot at Prisis immediately, and the most important thing for them right now was to the original territory of the Shadow God.
As a result, miracles appeared. After learning of the death of the Shadow God, the believers of the Shadow God began to dissolve, and the believers of the gods began to infiltrate quickly.
Players will naturally not be unaware of such a big movement between NPCs.
Knowing that the Shadow God is dead, many players are confused.
In the homeland war, there really was a god, not only that, but the was killed!
They thought that God in this game world was just a game background.
Such a major event naturally caused heated discussions among players.
They played a lot of homeland games, but to say God, not many of them have actually seen it.
A large number of players went to the Sith Empire to see if they could receive missions related to gods.
The death of the gods is definitely a major event in the game. If you can receive related tasks, get gifts from the gods, or get artifacts, you can be stable in the home game.
The artifact is in hand, maybe it can kill Chen Bing!
There are many players who have this idea. Even if Chen Bing has only risen two levels in the past six months, they have risen more than ten levels, but the gap with Chen Bing is still extremely large, and there is no hope of winning Chen Bing in a short time.
But if you can get the artifact, then everything is possible.
The artifact is that powerful.
But unfortunately, they didn't know that this dead was indirectly killed by Chen Bing. Although the lost artifact was not in his hands, it was with his followers.
On the Moebius ring, Chen Bing didn't know the commotion of the divinely bestowed mainland players below, and many people were still thinking about finding an artifact to kill him.
His attention was completely focused on the artifacts left by the Moebius ring and Tours.
After the death of Tours, three artifacts were left, namely, the Shadow God Blade, the Shadow God Ring, and the Shadow God Armor.
The Shadow Godhead is also an artifact, and the most special core artifact.
When you have the shadow rank, you can equip the shadow blade, shadow ring, and shadow ring without any requirements, and activate the shadow artifact set attributes.
If there is no shadow god, you need to be level 100 to equip it, and the suit attributes cannot be activated, and can only be used as an ordinary artifact.
Chen Bing looked at the attributes of the three artifacts, and they were stronger than the Sky Splitting Sword he had used before, but not too strong either.
The most powerful is its suit attributes. The Shadow Artifact suit has two suit attributes.
The first is the shadow body. When the shadow body is activated, the shadow will be able to enter the subspace at will, and can attack the enemy at will in the subspace, but the enemy’s attack can not help him, and in the subspace, the shadow The power of God will get a 100% increase in terror.
The second one is even more powerful. The Shadow God can condense the shadow of the God. In addition to being unable to use the artifact skills, the Shadow of the God has exactly the same power as the God of Shadow. It can condense up to three shadows of the God at the same time. God has four times the combat power, the only problem is that condensing the shadow of God will consume a lot of divine power.
Regardless of these special effects, the attributes of the three artifacts. At the level of Chen Bing and Plysses, even if Tours stood and let them attack, Chen Bing and Plyss could not break the defense, no wonder the Corsican goddess Not optimistic about him.
However, it is precisely for this reason that Tours will be careless, giving Plycis a chance to shoot.
"What's the use of this Mobis ring?"
Chen Bing threw the three shadow artifacts back to Prisis and asked.
It's a pity that he can't use the three artifacts, but in fact, whether he can equip them is the same. Anyway, no one is his opponent.
Moreover, Plysis is his follower. After Plysis is equipped with the Shadow Artifact Set, he can also sweep the players. He is equivalent to an extra powerful helper. It is much more convenient when you want to do something, and there is nothing bad.
What Chen Bing is more curious about right now is the Moebius ring, which is called a strategic artifact by the gods.
"The Mobis ring itself is a giant energy cannon. One shot can easily destroy a city. If it takes time to gather energy and maximize its power, it can directly destroy a planet. The Mobis ring consumes the power of faith. Without the power of faith, the power of the godhead itself will be consumed, and the recovery of the power of the godhead will be extremely slow. If an attack that can destroy the planet is launched, the power of the godhead will be greatly consumed, and it will not be able to recover for a long time."
After Plycis used her consciousness to understand the Moebius ring, she said.
Can even the planet be destroyed? No wonder it is a strategic artifact!
But the energy consumed is peculiar. It is actually the power of faith. No wonder those gods are going to develop believers.
Without the power of faith, then you have to consume the energy of the godhead itself, which is equivalent to letting yourself fall into a weak state for a long time, which is unacceptable to those gods.
In this way, Plysis’s abandonment of his position and believers actually cut off the energy supply of the Moebius ring. No wonder the gods did not move for the time being, because they knew that without a source of energy, Plysis’s combat effectiveness would be extremely high. Greatly weakened, when they have a chance, they can get rid of Plycis.
To deal with players, it is unlikely to use strategic artifacts, but if he wants to use them, he has to find a way to prepare a way to ensure the safety of Plycis.
The death of Tours caused a small disturbance, but after the players had no gain, the incident gradually subsided in less than a month.
During this month, Chen Bing continued to search for the projection body, but the number of times he could find the projection body became less and less. In the past ten days, he has been unable to find a projection body.
Vaguely, Chen Bing felt that the projection body was fully prepared.
In reality, Chen Bing has already learned that the body that the coalition government promised to manufacture the projection body is almost complete, and it has been shipped to all parts of the world and placed in a position agreed with the projection body.
At the same time, the truth of the matter began to circulate again among players.
This is different from what Roach and the others had spread out at the beginning, and this time the rumors are more thorough.
In this rumor, Chen Bing is no longer the criminal culprit that prevented players from offline. The matter has nothing to do with him. What caused all this is the data organism with eternal life!
Players initially did not believe this rumors of whitewashing Chen Bing.
Although it is a bit different from the original rumored version, how could they want to make Chen Bing, a man who slaughtered tens of millions of players, an innocent person?
However, more and more people have come out and said that they have seen those digital lifeforms. They admit that everything is done by the digital lifeforms. They have been negotiating with the coalition government. The negotiation has ushered in a result. Players are locked in the game. The status quo will end and players will soon be able to regain their freedom.
Nevertheless, those who do not believe still account for the majority.
However, after a while, a system email appeared in all player mailboxes.
"Dear human players, the game problem will be solved soon. After a month, everyone will be able to leave the game. Please play as much as you like in the last month. I will hold a grand farewell party for you."
Weird system email. Upon seeing this email, those players who didn't believe it had to admit that the game might really be as rumored, and there is someone else responsible for the crime.
This letter is obviously not sent by the system ~EbookFREE.me~ but a rumored digital lifeform.
They controlled the system so that players could not log off, and they also let Chen Bing take the blame.
However, they can leave the game in one month and return to reality. This is good news for them anyway. As for the digital life form, there is a coalition government. There is nothing for them, as long as their safety can be guaranteed. Everything else is easy to say.
Time passed, and one month did not seem particularly long.
In the last month, various things related to the digital lifeforms were spread out every day, and it is said that the digital lifeforms personally mentioned it.
Many players are amazed and envious of these new life races that have infinite lives, have experienced three or four civilizations, can live in real life, and after being tired of real life, can travel on the virtual network.
This is undoubtedly the most ideal form of life, eternal life, unfettered freedom, these are the ultimate pursuit of mankind.
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