Chapter 80: Ending·Next

Xu Qiao passed this twenty-fourth birthday that would laugh when she thinks of her contentedly.
The birthday has passed, but this evening the fashion show's influence has just begun. While Pan De's fashion has been a success, the name Yu Li has also really made a name in the jewelry industry, and is well known by more and more insiders.
After the official release of the jewelry works on the fashion show, Xu Qiao quickly received interview invitations from several fashion publications at home and abroad, as well as olive branches from many brands in the fashion circle.
From summer to autumn, Xu Qiao continued to receive new cooperation, and during the four major fashion weeks, he went to major shows in various countries and attended various fashion brand activities.
The scale of Burg’s jewelry studio has gradually become unable to bear the aura brought by the name "Yu Li". After discussing with Yujin, Cheng Lang and Yujin officially changed its name to "Yu Li Jewelry Studio" in early October and planned to move the studio to North city center.
Xu Qiao originally thought that the relocation, from location selection to renovation, would have to wait until next year at the earliest. As a result, Cheng Lang had the entire studio moved to the Central Business District in mid-October.
Everyone in the studio walked into the business office building that stood in the prime area of ​​the North City, and was surprised when they found that the three consecutive high-rise buildings on the top belonged to them.
"How much does the boss have to pay for such a three-story building in this kind of place?" Su Shan asked curiously, "I think the Lanchen Group headquarters is diagonally across from this building. This is a lot of money."
Xu Qiao shook her head unpredictably.
Don't ask, ask is the office building under the boss's own name, and he just assigned three floors to you.
Everyone went inside again and found that the interior was exquisitely decorated, and the equipment was upgraded and new employees were recruited. They were dumbfounded.
Money can make ghosts good, but it's too fast.
"I didn't go to the supermarket to buy soy sauce so quickly. Does the boss do magic?" Rosa said with emotion.
Xu Qiao sighed inexplicably again.
Don't ask, ask is that the boss had anticipated that his girlfriend would have a long life today. He started preparations a year or a half in advance, and made her move to the next door just a few hundred meters away from him in a straight line.
It's all right now. The two are tired of going home at night, and they can still be sticky at any time during the day.
Xu Qiao can already foresee that, if they don't travel separately and stay in the office building, their daily routine during lunch break after work is-"Baby, come to you today or come to me?"
And Cheng Lang also said that he has reserved a C counter in Lanchen Department Store, and he will wait for her to settle in in the future.
This man probably wants to brush up on her career line in all directions.
Xu Qiao shook her head and sighed, looking forward and looking forward, she deserves to be President Lang.

The day after moving into the new studio, Xu Qiao received an invitation letter from Milan, inviting her to come to the VANZER 9th High Jewelry Design Biennial Award Ceremony next month.
The news that came with this invitation letter was the list of nominations for the major awards of this biennial award. The name "Haitachi" appeared in the ranks of the best new designers.
The gold content of the VANZER High Jewelry Design Biennial Award in the jewelry industry is by no means comparable to the folk jewelry design competition that Xu Qiao once participated in. If it is really able to break the siege in this biennial award, even if it is just a newcomer award, It's worth talking about for three to five years.
After all, half of the designers who have won this title in the past have later become industry leaders.
As soon as the news spread, Xu Qiao immediately received messages of congratulations from all parties.
She was wrapped in a fluttering sense of unreality. She dialed Cheng Lang's phone softly with her fingers. Before she could speak, the people on the other end laughed: "I have also received the invitation letter next month. Accompany you to Milan?"
"You're busy with you, don't have to attend specially..." Xu Qiao touched her nose, "Maybe it's just a nomination. You pay so much attention to it and make a big battle to accompany me. Then I will lose my name. What a shame! "
In recent months, Xu Qiao has gone out to watch the show several times in succession. Cheng Lang is too busy to accompany him. This time he is quite insistent: "Even if it is just nominations, it is already great. What's the shame?"
Xu Qiao pondered the overtones of his words, sounding like he was comforting her in advance, and tentatively said: "So you already know...I'm just nominating?"
"I don't know." Cheng Lang laughed, "Do you need me to find internal information for you?"
Although the gold content of this award is not low, it is not authoritative to the point of confidentiality. With Cheng Lang's network, it is not difficult to find out the result early.
Xu Qiao was about to say "Okay", but she stopped tangledly when she reached her lips: "Hey, forget it, if the result is not good, I will be in no mood to go to Milan!"
Cheng Lang was silent for a moment and suggested: "In fact, it is not necessary to fly to Europe specifically for the award ceremony. I will just have time to go home next month. The time can be arranged two days before the award ceremony. You will accompany me to London first. Let's go to Milan by the way, so even if we don't win the prize, we won't lose money, right?"
This idea sounds pretty reasonable, but...
"You guy, if you want to take me home, just say it straight. It's a silly sounding!" Xu Qiao spit on him while holding the phone.
Cheng Lang laughed: "Only the state officials are allowed to set fires, and the people are not allowed to light the lights? You can test whether I know the result of the award, why can't I test whether you want to go home with me?"
It's not terrible to meet a hooligan, just because the hooligans are educated.
Xu Qiao snorted: "Look at your performance in the next half month!"

Xu Qiao just took Joe on his lips. Two days before the award ceremony, he still obediently followed Cheng Lang to London.
She has always had a little guilty conscience about sending the pigeons of her parents on New Year's Eve. This time, when she came to the door with Cheng Lang with gifts, she was very concentrated, and her whole body was three hundred and sixty degrees up and down.
But in fact, Cheng Lang's emotional quotient has already confirmed the emotional quotient of Cheng's parents. Cheng's father and Cheng's mother welcomed her in with enthusiasm. They didn't mention her last missed appointment. For dinner, she prepared all the dishes she likes. They also specially arranged a new room for her instead of letting her directly. Live in the bedroom of the process waves.
Although Xu Qiao had been in the same room with Cheng Lang six months ago, it doesn't matter in fact that this kind of minutiae is indifferent, but the details are so considerate and thoughtful arrangements made her feel that Cheng's father and Cheng's mother seemed to have made her a relative.
Two days and one night in Cheng's house, she was not as restrained as she imagined. Xu Qiao spent a whole afternoon with her mother Cheng to go shopping, and she almost became like-minded little sisters.
When she left, she even felt a little reluctant to part with Cheng's mother.
However, the award ceremony was imminent, and the two could not stay for long and still flew to Milan as originally planned.

At six o'clock in Rome time that night, the auditorium of La Scala Opera House, the scene of the VANZER 9th High Jewelry Design Biennale Award Ceremony, on the nearly 20-meter-high dome, the crystal chandelier composed of more than 300 small lamps is shining , The whole red and gold lobby is set off with magnificent magnificence, under the six-story building, the central horseshoe-shaped pool seat is full of seats.
On the left side of the stage, two hosts, a man and a woman, are speaking warmly in English.
Xu Qiao sat alone in the front row of the seats.
Cheng Lang, as a giant in the luxury department store industry, sits behind as an invited guest. Xu Qiao didn't know his exact location, couldn't make any eye contact with him, and could only be nervous alone.
Fortunately, like many movie awards, this type of award ceremony does not take a serious line. The host is a humorous and funny style. The awarding guests also run out of words. When a well-known jeweler as the awards guest sang a rap on the stage, Xu Alice finally loosened up in this atmosphere.
The awards are presented item by item, from work awards to individual awards.
Xu Qiao’s awards were arranged in the second half of the process. When she was so lax that she could not remember the order of awards, she heard the host begin to nominate the best new designer.
Xu Qiao's heart hung again.
The presenting guest is a famous jewelry designer who has won this award in the first biennial award. Perhaps it was the second half of the awards process. Considering that the audience was a little tired, the host and the award-presenting guests came and talked about English cross talks, which caused a lot of laughter.
To be replaced by other awards, Xu Qiao still laughed along with him. At this time, I really couldn’t laugh. She could only squeeze her mouth into a non-emotional arc, until the guest finally announced the winner of the award in English: "Won the ninth VANZER. The Best New Designer Award of the High Jewelry Design Biennial Awards is-Yuli from China!"
The tight string in Xu Qiao's head loosened in an instant, and with the spotlight came the adrenaline soaring instantly.
She suppressed the urge to be so happy that she wanted to jump right in her arms, got up in full view, and walked towards the stage with a pair of crystal shoes full of diamonds.
See-through white gauze sleeves and fluffy skirts of the dresses, as well as low-stretched black long hair, make her look like a beautiful and noble white swan when she walks onto the stage with her skirt dignified.
Someone in Ikezao was surprised by this scene and whispered in a low voice.
Xu Qiao walked to the center of the stage, bowed to take the trophy held by the guests, and stood in front of Li Mai.
For a few seconds, her gaze quietly fell under the stage, anxiously searching for Cheng Lang's figure. But because she didn't know where he was, when the host reminded her to give her acceptance speech, she had to give up.
After a moment of loss, Xu Qiao returned to smile, holding the crystal trophy in one hand, adjusting the microphone in the other, and uttering the prepared lines in English.
"Good evening, I am Chinese jewelry designer Yuli. It is a great honor to stand here and hold this heavy trophy. First of all, I want to thank the organizer and judges for the affirmation given to me. Secondly, I want to thank the practitioners. Since then, my senior friends who have pointed me to the maze, my work partners who have been in the same boat through the storm, and the family members who have been behind me and have given me material and spiritual support, including..." Xu Qiao paused when she said that, and under the spotlight. Hot, did not use the term "boyfriend" in the plan, but solemnly called, "love."
The rustling voice below suddenly became louder.
Xu Qiao didn't quite understand where the words hit everyone, and after a moment he continued to say: "Besides, I want to thank one special thing, that is suffering, the suffering that once happened to me and my family. One year. At this time, I was in this prosperous fashion capital and got a bad news-my jewelry company went bankrupt. I went from a lady who reached out for clothes and opened her mouth to a daughter who was separated from relatives. Penniless clown in trouble. Except for the ability to design jewelry that I don't know if it is a talent, I have nothing."
The audience's attention was drawn back by this passage again, and they looked at her intently with holding their breath.
"For the sake of life, I walked into the jewelry design industry, starting from picking up the most basic painting skills, and going to this day. At this time a year later, I once again set foot on this prosperous fashion capital and had the honor to stand in the spotlight. Next, tell everyone about my disgraceful experience--" Xu Qiao said, her conversation turned, "I used to think it was a disgraceful experience."
"I used to think that suffering would only bring me suffering, but looking back today, I find that it is precisely because of that suffering that I can stand on this stage, and it is precisely because of that suffering that I have gained. Precious love. It turns out that suffering not only brings people pain, but also returns gifts to those who overcome it. That’s why today, I can smile and tell everyone what happened to me."
When Xu Qiao said this, she laughed: "To share this with you, I want to say to everyone who is experiencing suffering like me before, stick to it and overcome it, life has already prepared the most beautiful for you. gift."
After a moment of silence in the pool seat, thunderous applause erupted.
Xu Qiao left the microphone and bowed to the audience.
The host seemed to be a little surprised. He could hear such a scar in the mouth of such a glamorous jewelry designer. So when Xu Qiao was about to turn around and step down, she suddenly remembered something and hurriedly stopped her: " and many more."
Xu Qiao paused and looked at the two moderators suspiciously.
The host smiled and said: "This excellent jewelry designer, this beautiful lady like a princess, I think tonight, on this stage, there is a gift like yours."
Xu Qiao was stunned, a vague thought flashed through her mind. Reminiscent of the strong reaction of the audience below when the word "lover" was mentioned just now, her heart was pounding and she seemed to be moving towards Look from the side of the stage.
With a smile on his lips, Cheng Lang stepped up the steps and walked towards the center of the stage.
In his hand, he held a dark blue velvet jewelry box.
Xu Qiao did a tacky gesture that countless women would do when they saw this scene-she covered her mouth because of surprise.
She didn't know it happened. Even the results of the awards were told on the spot, and Cheng Lang kept her from leaking.
Anticipating what was about to happen, Xu Qiao's hands and feet suddenly lost their mobility, and she could only stare at him as she walked in front of her.
Cheng Lang paused in front of her, took a step back with his left foot, slowly knelt down on one knee, held the jewelry box in front of her, and gently opened the lid.
The audience was in an uproar.
A diamond ring carved into a crown fell into Xu Qiao's eyes.
Xu Qiao's eyes reflected bright diamonds, and tears that were brighter than diamonds flashed.
"This excellent jewelry designer, this beautiful young lady like a princess..." Cheng Lang looked up at her, repeated the host's words in Chinese, and said with a smile, "Being a little princess for 24 years, Do you want to try, from now on, be my Mrs. Cheng?"
Xu Qiao tried his best to endure the tears of disappointment. She used to be a small fan, and quickly fanned the wind under her eyes, trying to make her eyes moist and dry quickly.
Cheng Lang waited patiently for her to calm down. After seeing her drying her tears, he picked up Joe as usual and snorted to him.
"I am very greedy," she said, raising her chin. "Can I be both a little princess and Mrs. Cheng? No, just forget it!"
Cheng Lang smiled and nodded, staring into her eyes: "Of course, my little princess."
"Okay, then." Xu Qiao raised the corner of his mouth, looked back at him, and slowly raised his hand to watch him solemnly put on this crown and diamond ring for her, and the crystals in his eyes again appeared.
She remembered the letter Cheng Lang wrote to her on her birthday.
At the end of that letter, he said--
Thank God for allowing such a lovely little princess to grow up to 24 years old safely and healthily, and for giving me the opportunity to take care of her for the rest of her life. I would like to wear the most beautiful crown for her, and I would like to offer her the support of my life.
(—End of text—)
The author has something to say:
·The text is over here. Fanwai is tentatively scheduled to be updated on Saturday. If you have a lot of emotions, leave it to Weibo! I will promote the next two new articles "After becoming a national CP with my ex-boyfriend" and Xu Xun's story "A Thousand Years Good with You". I'm not sure which one to open. Collect which one you like. Both I'm definitely happier if I have collected it!
·Xu Xun let go of the copywriting before, and put down another one.
· "After Becoming a National CP with Ex-Boyfriend" Copywriter: Zhao Ning liked Xiao Ji for two full years, and he became his girlfriend only to realize that he was an out-and-out scumbag.
After breaking up with the scumbag, she let her go and participated in a recording and broadcasting amateur love variety show.
After more than two years of absurdity, the elite male guests on the show are everywhere in her eyes.
Zhao Ning was planning to choose a good one. He didn't expect that the men who had shown her kindness to her when they first met, all rushed to the arms of other female guests overnight, seeing her as nothing.
After several episodes of the program, the national audience collectively fought for Zhao Ning.
"The girl is so beautiful and the conditions are so good, how could there be no male guest texting her!"
"Men's two men's three look at the female one's eyes and almost write'I want to sleep with her' on his face. As a result, at the end of each issue, the second woman is selected. What kind of a broken script is the acting like it?"
"What's wrong with the girl? The double quotient of face value is online all the time, and I laughed, my girl's heart puffed and puffed, are these men blind?
Zhao Ning smiled, and in his heart the same black question mark roared every day.
Until the second half of the variety show, the male guest number four airborne the program group, and all the puzzles were suddenly solved.
Xiao Ji: I am here in front of the national audience, baby, are you brave?
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