Chapter 4: The beginning of suffering

The boy was stunned by her yelling.
With his arms akimbo, Jiang Mingzhen slammed his shoulders and left aggressively.
After she left, all the children gathered around and showed interest in the new boy. They had long seen Jiang Mingzhen not pleasing to their eyes, and now someone finally stepped up and vented a bad breath for them.
"You are amazing."
The expressions on their faces are quite excited.
"Where do you come from?"
"You speak differently from us, it's so funny."
The boys don't know what they are happy about. He turned his head to look outside the crowd, Jiang Mingzhen straightened the back of his shoulders and bit her lower lip firmly.
"Where are you going?"
As soon as he moved a step, the children stopped him.
"Leave her alone! We don't like playing with her!"
"Jiang Mingzhen is not here, we will re-match the black and white, come to play the new house bar."
They quickly entered the next round of games.
"Black, white, match!"
When Jiang Mingzhen returned to her room, she just heard the children in the backyard squatting loudly.
Sure enough, as before, when she was not there, the others had fun.
Opening the window, she picked up the pillow doll bear beside the bed and threw it down from the second floor.
The most annoying "live taro" was thrown on the back of her head.
A child screamed and was startled by the airborne behemoth.
"Jiang Mingzhen threw it!" Everyone saw it.
Jiang Mingzhen made a face at them.
She saw the boy holding his head in pain, and before she met him, she slammed the window.
Jiang Mingzhen's actions aroused public outrage. The children ran into the house and found Xu Meiyin who was cooking in the kitchen to complain.
"Auntie Auntie! Jiang Mingzhen hit someone!"
The little country boy is holding a teddy bear with evidence and is surrounded by them.
Aunt Fan stopped her work and frowned.
"He Yu, what's the matter?"
Without waiting for the boy to speak, the children talked about the cause and effect.
After listening to them, Xu Meiyin chuckled, and didn't take the little boy's panic "Mom has a ghost" at all, but Aunt Fan's face changed.
"How can you say this to Miss Jane?"
The boy dared not respond to his mother and buried his head low.
"Jiang Mingzhen hit him with his shoulder! Scolded him! And threw him something!" The other children stood up to help him.
Among all the voices supporting him, the boy said nothing.
Holding the bear, he squeezed the crowd to the second floor.
Jiang Mingzhen's door was open.
She was facing the mirror and pinched a hairpin on her head.
Little butterflies, big red flowers, golden crowns...All the beautiful hairpins in the dressing box that she is proud of, Jiang Mingzhen pressed them one by one to her head.
After swallowing, He Yu handed her the teddy bear in his hand.
Jiang Mingzhen pushed away the chair and walked towards him.
They are the same age, but she is taller than him. At this moment her head was raised high, two angry nostrils in his eyes, bigger than her eyes.
"Am I looking like a ghost?"
Picking up his chin, she forced him to look straight at herself.
At this moment, Jiang Mingzhen's face is not covered by messy hair, but she is over-dressed, like a colorful boat on her head. The unremarkable facial features appear to be distorted in a fierce expression.
The little boy wrinkled his round face, and his mouth became flat, looking like a falling dog.
Under coercion and entanglement repeatedly, he responded honestly like mosquitoes...
The teddy bear flew down from the second floor again.
This time, he hit Xu Meiyin who was about to go upstairs to check the situation.
She couldn't see what was coming, she flashed subconsciously and couldn't stand firmly.
"Ginger! Ming! Zhen!"
For the first time since Jiang Mingzhen was born, I heard her mother call her at such a loud voice.
In order to avoid the bear, her mother gave her foot.
Not knowing what happened to her, she still hides in the room to play her temper. It was He Yu who heard the voice, and he came out to help the young lady pick up the bear.
"Jiang Mingzhen, I'm talking to you, go downstairs!"
Even with such a serious tone, she couldn't move Jiang Mingzhen.
Xu Meiyin looked at the nanny son's obedient little face and lowered shoulders. She felt ashamed in her heart. Her daughter was so used to them.
"You don't have to pick this up," she said to the boy, "go back to your room and rest, don't let her go."
Aunt Fan couldn't rest assured: "But..."
Xu Meiyin shook her head: "You don't care about her, let her make her own temper."
In the evening, Jiang Yuan went home.
As soon as he entered the door, he saw his wife leaning on the sofa glumly, Aunt Fan helping her massage her ankles.
"You are back, no one can control your daughter now. If I am murdering her, she will not be afraid of me."
Jiang Yuan is the family's favorite Jiang Mingzhen, and it's not uncommon to get angry with her. Upon seeing this, he immediately lost his smile and went to comfort his wife: "Why did Xiaozhen make you angry?"
"Look at my feet." Xu Meiyin grinned and told him what happened today.
Jiang Yuan pondered for a moment and asked, "Then what is she doing now?"
Xu Meiyin had a "what do you mean" expression on her face.
Jiang Yuan guessed: "Shut yourself in the room and refuse to eat?"
Xu Meiyin nodded.
Jiang Mingzhen would only use this trick whenever he didn't agree with her. It happened that they were parents, and when they thought that their dear little baby was starving, how could they be so cruel that they would really ignore her.
Aunt Fan made the food hot and hot, and secretly went up and called her several times, but Jiang Mingzhen never opened the door.
Even though she is only five years old, she already knows her parents well. Every time they get angry, they will come to coax her eventually.
"Have you eaten?" Jiang Yuan sighed.
"I have eaten," Xu Meiyin said, "Aunt Fan and her son have not eaten yet."
Aunt Fan explained: "I'm not hungry. Miss Zhen is not happy. It has something to do with He Yu in my family. I asked him to think about it in the room. Miss Zhen doesn't eat, so he doesn't need to eat."
"What are you talking about?" Jiang Yuan said hurriedly, "Hurry up and let the children come out to eat."
"Yes, your child did nothing wrong. Xiaozhen has a bad temper and can't get along with all the children." Xu Meiyin was full of apologize to Aunt Fan: "Can't she not eat by herself, so you can't eat. Dinner, it's late now."
Aunt Fan hesitated a few more times and finally agreed.
Only the couple left in the living room, Jiang Yuan glanced at his watch.
"Really don't ask Xiaozhen to eat?"
"I want you to call."
Jiang Yuan nodded and went to the second floor.
Standing outside the door of his daughter's room, he turned the switch, and he locked it from the inside.
No one cares about him.
"I bought a cake. It's your favorite shop."
It is obvious that Jiang Mingzhen is the one who did the wrong thing, and in the end she has to ask someone to coax her. Her father had already given her steps, and she still felt that the steps were not soft enough, and she did not want to come down.
Jiang Yuan cleared his throat and continued.
"The cake was not tasty overnight. If you don't eat it, I let Aunt Fan and her son eat it."
There was still no movement inside the house.
Not to mention Xu Meiyin, Jiang Yuan can't help his daughter.
He Yu was hungry and sat at the dining table.
As he raised his chopsticks and was about to pick up a string of green beans, the door on the second floor opened silently.
"Hey you……"
The eldest lady of the Jiang family rushed down from upstairs, shouting murderously.
"Live taro!"
The child named shook, and the kidney beans fell on the table.
"You take my seat!"
He shrank his neck and looked down at the bottom of his blankly-it was indeed a children's chair taller than other chairs. There was no doubt that it belonged to Jiang Mingzhen.
How did He Yu know before sitting down? As if his was burnt, he numbly gave up the chair... and was forcibly pushed back.
Xu Meiyin smiled softly at him: "You just sit here and eat, it's okay."
Jiang Mingzhen had already killed him in the dining room, staring at him, eyes fired.
Xu Meiyin Liangliang said, "How do some people tell her not to eat, then why should she leave a place in the dining room? If she doesn't come to eat, then her place belongs to the person who wants to eat."
"I want to eat!"
If his eyes were real, Jiang Mingzhen had already grabbed He Yu's feet and shook him upside down.
"Where is my cake? Did you eat it?"
He Yu shook his head into a rattle.
The adults present were relieved to hear her initiative to say that she wanted to eat.
Aunt Fan couldn't help but laugh: "Miss Zhen, your cake is in the refrigerator, I'll get it for you."
"Okay," Xu Meiyin patted the frightened boy, and asked him to continue using his chopsticks: "You eat quickly and ignore her."
Seeing Jiang Mingzhen's wink, He Yu hesitated and picked up the string beans on the table again.
"What are you eating?" She would not let go of any of his actions.
Now even Jiang Yuan on the side can't stand it anymore: "Don't trouble Xiaozhen, don't you hate eating string beans the most?"
"I want to eat!"
From today onwards, Jiang Mingzhen has become a madman who loves to eat string beans.
She didn't even look at the delicate and delicious little cakes on the table.
Jiang Mingzhen sat on Aunt Fan's lap, and constantly asked her to feed herself string beans, and every bite was swallowed with amazing speed.
Before today, this kid was famous for being "difficult to feed." Even if she is familiar with her temperament like Aunt Fan, feeding her a meal is no different from fighting.
She is picky eaters, has a bad temper, can't sit still, and has to be tricked and coaxed to eat.
Today, Jiang Mingzhen has eaten, and he is like a different person in peacetime.
He Yuru sat on pins and felt, and wanted to finish eating quickly, leaving the dining table.
He dared not touch the delicious meat dishes, only the bowl of string beans in front of him. Jiang Mingzhen kept staring at him, swallowing faster than him, lest he could finish the kidney beans first.
Jiang Yuan and Xu Meiyin looked at each other, and smiled at the same time and curled their mouths.
It's great to have a new kid here. They thought: Now there is a trick to deal with Jiang Mingzhen.
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