Chapter 1003: Ice Queen 13

Chapter 1003 Ice Queen 13
Brian screamed in pain! Reach out immediately to pull that hand! However, he cut his face tightly with his broken hand, almost tearing his face off!
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhbbb anically speaking the auspiciousness !!

He screamed again and again, tumbling unbearably on the ground, and blood spewed out! The right eyeball was dug out!
Ed retreated to the side in horror, watching Brian's face as if a faucet was turned on, bleeding like blood!
Broken his hand and fell to the ground, trying to get up and attack again.
But Brian is like a lunatic at this moment! He covered his right eye with one hand, grabbed the iron pestle with the other, and hit it hard at the foot!
Boom! ! !
Broke his hand away quickly, the iron pestle followed and fell down! Sweeping around like a headless fly!
Bryan snarled: "Asshole! Come over to me! I'm going to kill you! Asshole !!!"
Ed screamed in horror: "Brian! You will overturn the brazier!"
Brian ignored him at all, frantically attacking the surrounding ice, trying to smash his broken hand completely!
His vision was scarlet, his right eye was completely blind, and his left eye was covered with blood, and he could not see anything. He could only distinguish the position of the brazier by temperature.
The flower seedlings of Cheng Weicai are placed on the edge of the brazier!
Since you can't grab the flower, ruin it!
Bryan raised the iron pestle and smashed it in the direction of the brazier! Mars splashes! The burning wood suddenly spread out and the flower pot was knocked over!
Broke his hand and flew past! Keep the flower seedlings firmly in the palm of your hand!
"Brian! Stop now !!!" Ed yelled in horror. "If the fire goes out, we will all freeze to death!"
"Where is that hand ?! Where is the flower seedling of the old man ?! Tell me where !!!" Brian roared, and the iron pestle in his hand hit the ground again and again!
Bang, Bang, Bang!
Bang, Bang, Bang!
Smashed on the ice, smashed on the broken hand, smashed on the red burning wood-
The wood splashed with Mars and burned to Brian's face! He shouted again, staggering back a few steps, his feet fell empty, and planted in a circular pool instantly!
With a thump, the person was gone.
The waves are rippling and the water is gradually calming ...
Ed walked nervously to the pool and tried to shout a few words: "Brian? ... Brian?"
No one responded.
Brian sank ...
Ed held his flower pot, looked around the mess, and whispered: "This bastard."
The firewood was scattered on the ice, most of it was extinguished, and only one or two thicker pieces of wood had a faint flame.
Ed had to put down the flower seedlings, picked up the brazier that had cooled down, carefully turned the burning wood back into the pot, and added some more wood to let the fire rise again.
He was busy, and the pool suddenly whistled behind him!
Ed was startled and turned suddenly to see that he saw a man sticking out of the upper body from the pool and was slowly climbing ashore.
Ed subconsciously thought it was Brian who had fallen into the water, and took a sigh of relief, "Damn, almost scared me ..."
The voice came to an abrupt halt, the second half stuck in the throat.
Because he discovered that the person who came up was not Bryan, but Cheng Weicai!
Cheng Weicai was naked, his arms were covered with ice, and the upper scales on his arms reflected the water. A thin film on his neck undulated as he breathed, like a water lizard.
Ed was extremely shocked and shrank back, trembling and asked, "Old man ... Are you still human?"
Cheng Wei didn't speak.
He seemed very, very tired, any movement, it seemed so difficult, so slow ... He dragged his exhausted body, climbed to the brazier little by little, saw the broken hand curled in the ground, and the palm of the hand slightly exposed .
Cheng Wei only made a painful whimper, and then the tears fell.
"Why so ... why ..." He mourned from his heart and cried with a headache. "All died ... why, all died ..."
Ed hid far away from him, and he could not help but ask, "... What's dead? Old man, what are you talking about?"
(End of this chapter)
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