Chapter 1056: Fanwai Live World 24

Chapter 1056 Fanwai Live World 24
Various waste paper boxes and old tables and chairs are stacked in the room, and a row of double-layer metal cabinets are placed against the wall.
Tattoo men have no choice at all, the only place to hide is under the metal cabinet.
He stooped and crawled in, leaning sideways over his body and curled up in the cabinet in a half-lying position.
Just hiding, the door creaked outside and opened—
The tattooed man suddenly froze, with a sense of tension rising from his hair.
He was in the darkness and only heard the little leather shoes tapping the ground lightly, making a ticking sound ... Standing a few steps later, it seemed to be examining the room for suspicious signs.
He could almost imagine the picture, even holding his breath.
Da ... Da ... Da ...
Footsteps are approaching.
The tattoo man was tight, hesitant to rush out while the other party opened the cabinet door, or to gamble, maybe she would not find herself?
... how could it not be found? The whole room is obviously only a cabinet can hide people!
He couldn't help but feel annoyed, why did he hide in the cupboard at that time? ! It ’s good to hide behind the door, at least it ’s convenient to move, but now, it ’s really becoming a turtle in the urn!
The harsh metal friction creaked--
The ears shuddered!
She seemed to be scratching the metal cabinet with some kind of iron, once, twice ... Finally, she stopped in front of the cabinet door where the tattoo man was hiding.
The tattoo man's throat knot slides, clenching the knife in his hand, wandering left and right between the two options of rushing out and standing still, hesitating.
He suspected that he had exposed the flaws, and worried that Bai Youwei was only cheating him!
Damn it, what about the two guys downstairs? ! Why don't you make a noise and lead Bai Youwei away!
Hey! ! !
A knife slammed into the cabinet! The sharp blade almost rubbed against the top of his head!
Tattoo men mentioned in one breath! His eyes widened, almost screaming!
He did not dare to move until the knife was slowly pulled out by Bai Youwei outside ...
"... Huh? It's not inside." Bai Youwei said lightly.
The footsteps are far away ...
The tattooed man froze and did not move. Hearing the subtle sound from the cabinet door, he realized that he did not know when to start shaking ... The hand holding the knife was trembling all the time, and the blade knocked to the cabinet door, making a slight trembling sound.
He quickly took a deep breath and calmed down, but when he thought of Bai Youwei's knife just now, there was a chill in his heart.
Where is her sword? … Is it a big fat knife that fell to the ground after being knocked down? It's clear that it's just a play, but play, is it necessary to be so serious? !
He was almost stabbed to death by her!
……and many more.
This is not right ...
If he was really stabbed to death just now, it seems to be no harm to Bai Youwei ...
The tattoo man felt faintly wrong, his brain seemed to be paste, and the conversation with Bai Youwei became more and more unreal.
Was he cheated?
Did the woman deliberately trick his brother in to earn a reward?
The more you think, the more you are shocked.
After the fear, it was a raging rage!
He was actually played by a little girl! ! !
Tattoo men are so angry!
He lifted the knife and climbed out of the cabinet, wishing he would chop Bai Youwei now! However, only two steps to lift his foot, he saw a rabbit mask reflected behind the small window on the door, his dark eyes, facing him straight!
The tattooed man took a breath, and his face was pale!
She didn't leave!
She has been waiting for him out at the door!
The tattoo man did not know what he was afraid of. His mind suddenly went blank, and he yelled unconsciously.
--Snapped! ! !
The glass shattered!
At the same time, the current runs through him mercilessly.
The tattooed man leaned back and fell down ...
(End of this chapter)
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