Chapter 1172: Fanwai Eel 8

Chapter 1172 Chapter Evil Eel 8
The man stood at the toll window, his long figure leaned forward slightly, his eyebrows frowned, patiently listening to the people inside, and then took out his wallet and rummaged.
Qing Jun's gentle face seemed to worry about something with some worries.
Su Man hurried over.
She was worried that her father ’s medical expenses had not been paid, and let the life-saving benevolent advance!
"Mr. Lu!" Su Man ran to the window, "Is it necessary to pay the medical expenses? I come to me, how much? Can you swipe your card?"
Talking about pulling out the wallet from the shoulder bag.
Lu Yuwen stopped her and said gently: "No, my ID card is gone, so come and ask if it was here when you paid the fee just now."
Su Man froze and asked him: "Is that ID card found?"
Lu Yuwen gently shook his head, thought for a while, and said, "Not in my wallet ... I took the train today, it seemed to be in the pocket of my coat with the train ticket, but now I don't have it in my pocket anymore.
"Then think about it, where it will fall." Su Man raised his eyebrows and worried for him. "If you don't have an ID card, you can't even live in a hotel, and you have to get a temporary ID card for several days."
Lu Yuwen also felt a headache.
When you go out, losing your documents is the most troublesome thing, and it is inconvenient no matter what you do.
After thinking for a while, he said to Su Man: "It may have been in the place where the accident happened. I'll take a taxi to find it later. Miss Su doesn't have to worry about it. It's too late. You go back to rest early."
Su Man immediately replied: "You know it's too late, it's definitely not a good taxi, I'll drive you to find it."
Lu Yuwen was slightly stunned, looking down at his watch subconsciously, "but it's almost 1 am ..."
"Then hurry up!" Su Man was anxious, turned and walked away, and spoke quickly. "My car is parked outside. We hurried over and don't be picked up by anyone except the ID card. Are you still there? Cash, tickets, bank cards ... "
Lu Yuwen: "..."
Su Man turned his head to look at him and urged: "Why don't you leave? What are you waiting for?"
Lu Yuwen hesitated for a moment and raised his heels.
He doesn't like to trouble others, maybe because of his growth experience, because he doesn't want to be the one who is rejected, so he will keep the distance of "friendly" with everyone around him as much as possible.
To sum up, he is a person with a strong sense of balance.
For example, he realized that Fang Zixin could not accept his lameness, so he deliberately alienated and left the steps, so that she had a reason and opportunity to propose a breakup, so that the two people could separate without hurting their face.
How can a lame be qualified to pick three out of four? Giving the woman the initiative to break up is the only gentleness he can do.
Fang Zixin should also be relieved.
She was a sensitive person.
The one in front of me ... is quite different.
Looking at the back of the girl in front, Lu Yuwen can feel that her family is in good condition and she has lived in love since childhood. Because there is enough pampering, there is no need to cover up your own emotions. It belongs to the type. Once you are unhappy, even the hair will follow the type of discomfort.
Su Man pulls the door open, and sits in the car, starting the car and facing Lu Yuwen:
"Hurry up!"
She is driving a brown-green off-road vehicle.
With huge models and tough guy colors, in a row of cars, Suman's off-road vehicles have a magnificent momentum.
It really doesn't look like a girl opened it.
But after seeing her strength, Lu Yuwen felt that it was appropriate for her to drive such a car.
Lu Yuwen sat in the car and fastened his seat belt.
As soon as I raised my eyes, I saw the work certificate next to the navigation, and the logo above was particularly conspicuous.
"Are you a traffic police?" He was slightly surprised.
Su Man was a little stunned, then he reached out and grabbed the document, opened the drawer and threw it in!
Lu Yuwen: "..."
Su Man: "..."
After pursing her lips, she realized that she was overreacting and embarrassed.
Lu Yuwen observed her expression and slowly spoke: "I'm sorry ... just now, I was abrupt."
(End of this chapter)
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