Chapter 1175: Fan Eel 11

Chapter 1175 Evil Evil 11
When the two arrived home, it was more than 2 o'clock, and the townhouse area was silent.
Su Man was afraid of disturbing his neighbors. After entering the community, the speed was very slow. He drove carefully into his garage and led Lu Yuwen into the house.
Although she was in her twenties, she had never entertained guests alone, and was a little nervous when she entered the house.
What should I do first? Pour water to the guests, right? Water Water Water ...
Su Man hurriedly fiddled with the automatic water dispenser.
"Um ... do you drink hot or cold?"
Looking back, seeing Lu Yuwen still standing at the entrance, he smiled gently and politely: "Are there any slippers?"
"Ah, slippers!" Su Man hurried over, why did he forget that he should first find him a pair of slippers!
The shoe cabinet opened, and there were a few pairs of shoes that the family often wore.
Su Man was in trouble for a while, otherwise, let him wear Su Da's first? ... Wait, she clearly remembered that her mother took away her father's slippers. Why is there a pair here? Where did the mother take the slippers from the hospital? So actually, do you have spare slippers at home?
"Guest slippers are usually left alone. Look at the cabinet next to them." Lu Yuwen reminded.
Su Man opened a side cabinet next to the shoe cabinet. Sure enough, she saw a few rows of slippers, some of which were brand new.
She turned her head and smiled embarrassedly at Lu Yuwen, "I have lived for so many years and I don't know that the slippers were put here, you are more familiar than me."
Lu Yuwen's lips turned slightly, and said with a smile: "Let me guess, if I need to use a new towel, don't you know where to put it?"
Su Man was embarrassed.
Crouching by the shoe cabinet, he nodded awkwardly.
"Are you ... are you going to use it now?" She said embarrassedly. "Temporarily, temporarily ... use wet wipes, won't it? Aunt Aunt comes at 7 tomorrow morning and she knows where to put the towel."
Lu Yuwen laughed: "I'm kidding, it's more than two o'clock. Hurry up and go to sleep. Are you going to the hospital tomorrow?"
Su Manshang stood up, feeling very sorry, trying to entertain him, but he could not do anything well.
Lu Yuwen stooped down and took out a pair of slippers and asked, "Which room do I live in?"
"Oh, there are two rooms on the second floor. You can choose one. I will take you there ..."
Su Man took him upstairs.
I wanted to keep everything simple and rest as soon as possible, but the room was empty and the quilt pillows were put in the cupboard. The two spent some time organizing the room and waited until they lay down to rest.
The most difficult time has passed.
Lu Yuwen was lying in bed, wondering if Su Man next door was asleep, at least he was now sober.
He quietly looked at the ceiling, recalling all the things that happened today, and the scenes came to mind as if the probability and logic collided with each other with a fierce spark.
First of all, it is a bizarre dream.
Then, it was the brain's idea of ​​suddenly coming out of Shanghai.
Then he found his feet were better.
Then, he arrived at the scene as scheduled and witnessed a car accident.
Finally, now, he met a young girl, and the other party was beautiful and straightforward, which appealed to him.
Lu Yuwen closed his eyes and squeezed his brow gently.
The conclusions drawn may be a bit ridiculous ...
But he really felt that it was as if someone was introducing him to him.
He is now in good health and can pursue the woman he likes without hesitation, but all of this ... will it be his wishful thinking?
Lu Yuwen turned over and sighed low.
If someone is destined to do this kind of thing, then the other party should also fall in love with themselves at first sight, which is in line with the arrangement of the plot, but obviously not. Even if he only knew her for a few hours, he could see that her heart hung on the green plum.
Can not be done……
Such things as feelings cannot be forced at all. If the other party has no intention, any good behavior of his will only cause embarrassment and escape.
Lu Yuwen closed his eyes.
Lets see……
He had to wait and see for a while.
(End of this chapter)
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