Chapter 1201: Fanwai's Eel 37

Chapter 1201 Evil Evil 37
Wu Xinghai was the one who gave Li Li a party last time.
Although this man is also a small partner in the government compound, he was particularly rebellious. When he was a child, he skipped class, loved one early, repeated grades, grew up racing, gambling, and playing with women. In short, he was a typical representative of bad children. Learn bad from him.
Although there are many shortcomings, but only very good for friends, so Li Li occasionally contacted each other.
Lu Yuwen stood up and extended his right hand, "Hello, Mr. Wu."
Wu Xinghai laughed and shook hands with him, "Hello Hello, may I ask you ..."
"My surname is Lu, Lu Yuwen." He smiled at Su Man. "I am Man Man's friend."
Wu Xinghai narrowed his eyes precisely, and Yu Guang looked at Su Man. Seeing Su Man's expression was normal, without any disgust, he knew that the relationship between the two was probably good.
"Fortunately, fortunately, I didn't expect to meet you here, then ... you eat slowly, I won't bother, I will get together next time ~"
Lu Yuwen is good at being good, and Sven is polite: "Okay, have the opportunity to eat together."
Wu Xinghai smiled and said hello, taking the woman around him to his seat.
The location is not far away, separated by two tables, plus a decorative crystal sea wave sculpture.
As soon as Wu Xinghai sat down, he took out his mobile phone and called.
The women around were pouting, "Why, who have you called before ordering?"
"My buddy." Wu Xinghai didn't raise his head, and poked his finger in the address book, "This time is terrible, the iron tree is blooming! The man's wife actually came out to date, and it's not my buddy who was still in the dark. He let it out! "
"Man-in-law? You can't see it." The woman turned her head curiously and looked at Su Man. "Where is her whole face? It's natural."
Wu Xinghai suddenly blinked, "I am talking about her fist! Not her face!"
"Oh ..." The woman whispered, "It's none of your business to be dated. You are in a hurry with me."
"She is my buddy's little green plum, you know?" Wu Xinghai snorted and frowned, "Why doesn't Li Li answer the phone ..."
The woman listened, her eyes rolled around, she pulled out her phone, turned on the camera, and carefully looked for angles.
Wu Xinghai somehow: "Hey, what are you shooting?"
The woman said with a smile: "The high-ranking children's cheeks have little white faces, there are pictures and the truth, I want to leave evidence ~"
Wu Xinghai's face suddenly changed, and he whispered: "Do you know what background her family has? Annoyed her family, in your small broken live broadcast room, sealed you in a minute or not?"
The woman was startled and quickly withdrew her phone. "I don't know if anyone else, then I deleted it ..."
She pouted out of the album and was about to press the delete button. Wu Xinghai suddenly reached out and held her, "... wait."
The woman looked at him inexplicably, "What's wrong?"
Wu Xinghai looked suspiciously. After two seconds, he made up his mind like a wreck and said to the woman, "Send me the picture I just made."
A group photo of a man and a woman having dinner was sent out, and a beep went to Wu Xinghai's cell phone.
He directly transferred to Li Li, leaving a message:
[Dude, look at who this is? 】
Li Lizheng is playing mobile phone in bed.
In fact, Wu Xinghai called just now. He saw it, but he didn't want to answer it.
Every time Wu Xinghai approached him, it was a party. Occasionally, it was okay to play. Once more, he felt panicked. And when his mother knew that Wu Xinghai called him, there must be another nagging.
Now I received another message from the other party. I wanted to ignore it. I glanced at the thumbnail of the picture and suddenly felt familiar.
Gone again
(End of this chapter)
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