Chapter 1235: Fanwai's Eel 71

Chapter 1235 Evil Evil 71
Although it is not very good to be cranky while driving, Su Man also made his mind clear.
She really likes Lu Yuwen.
As long as this point is made clear, her heart is at ease, because she knows what she should do. At least, the next time she talked about Li Li in front of Lu Yuwen, she could not let him continue to misunderstand.
Can't let him think she still remembers Li philosophy!
I have to accompany Li Li for these two days. I may not have a chance. Then two or three days later, when Li Li's injury is healed, when she and Lu Yuwen meet again, ask him what he thinks.
Su Man clarified his thoughts and secretly made plans, and felt that today is very good, very good.
She completed a major event.
Although she did nothing on the surface.
After get off work, she rushed to Wu Xinghai's apartment. The state was very relaxed along the way. It seemed that she had figured out some things without the psychological shackles. The whole person was happy.
She parked the car, walked into the apartment building, swiped the card and went up the elevator.
She stood in the elevator and watched the number of floors beating. She thought to herself: find a suitable time to introduce Lu Yuwen to Li Li, so that Li Li would never scold him with a white face and a fox.
It may have been difficult in the past, but Li Li's temper didn't seem so bad after the injury, and communication should be easy.
On the 20th floor, Su Man walked out of the elevator and came to the door of Wu Xinghai's apartment, and entered the door opening code
The door lock snapped, and the two men in the room froze together.
Su Man entered the house and saw a pair of men's shoes at the entrance, and he was slightly surprised, subconsciously thinking that Wu Xinghai was coming.
But when she walked in, she found a strange man in a hurry to pack things.
He received it quickly, Su Man didn't see it clearly, only to see that he packed all the odds and ends in a square bag, carried it on one shoulder, and looked ready to go.
Li Li sat on the sofa and stared at Su Man: "Why did you come here so early? Didn't I ask you to wait for take-out at the door?"
"You ordered takeaway?" Su Man took out his phone in surprise, and found an unread message from Li Li.
[Truth Lee: I ordered takeaway, you wait at the door, get the takeaway and come back. 】
"I didn't see your message just now." Su Man put down his phone. "Then I will go down and get it for you now."
Li Li's face is complicated, "Forget it, forget it... you all come up, and wait for the delivery man to come and help me get it."
The main thing is that she was discovered by her. What's the point of going on now?
"Also." Su Man nodded.
The man next to him with a black generous bag smiled at the two and said goodbye: "Slowly talk, I will go first."
Su Man felt that his bag was too heavy, so he opened the door politely and asked, "Are you Li Li's friend? I'm seeing you for the first time."
She knows almost all the friends around Li Li, but she is very strange in front of her.
When the other party heard Su Man's words, the reaction was a bit strange. She smiled and didn't talk, as if she was a shy person.
Li Li on the sofa replied: "He heard that I was injured, so he came over to see me after work!"
Su Man teasingly looked at Li Li: "Huh, I thought you loved face, didn't you tell people?"
Before, I clearly wanted to be bored in my heart. I didn’t tell anyone. I waited until the injury could not be seen before I went out to meet people. Now I actively tell others that I should be a very good friend?
Su Man thought this way, extended his right hand to the strange man, and said with a smile: "Hello, I am Su Man, now in traffic..."
"All right! What's your job introduction?" Li Li somehow got irritated and interrupted her directly. "If someone else is in a hurry, go back and stop talking!"
Su Man's good mood suddenly disappeared from him.
(End of this chapter)
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