Chapter 1285: Fan Fuzhi Du Fu 10

Chapter 1285 Du Fu 10 of Fanwai (adding more words for rhetoric)
Du Lai first felt pain, and then opened his eyes, the dazzling sunlight entered the eyelids, and the pupils were stabbed with needles and dizzy.
He closed his eyes, barely propped up his elbows, his stomach was cramped, he couldn't help coughing violently, he vomited a lot of sea water, and his mind finally became awake.
He stood on his knees slowly, looked around, and found himself on a sandy beach.
It is a very rough beach, showing the original ecology that has not been cleaned, mixed with coral gravel and shellfish, reefs, and things like rotten wood.
Du Lai's head hurt, and he turned to look at the sea. The blue sea was magnificent, he couldn't see a boat, only a few seabirds flying across the sky,
Where is he?
At the end of the memory, staying on the tilting deck, what happened afterwards? Strong winds, huge waves, horrified shouts...they encountered a tornado, what happened afterwards? Where is the boat? Has only he survived? Are there any other survivors?
Du Lai walked slowly along the beach, trying to find some clues. If a large cruise ship was really blown near by a tornado, there would be no traces.
After ten steps, I saw a woman sitting not far in front.
It's that arrogant young lady.
She was soaking wet, sitting on the beach, her eyes staring at the horizon.
The waves washed her ankles from time to time, and the skirt was covered with white gravel. She was like a rooster in water. Her feathers were wet and she lost all the arrogance of the past.
After Du Lai saw her, he felt a little relieved. Since he is not alone here, other people are probably nearby.
He walked over and asked, "Miss, are you okay?"
She turned to look at him, her eyes puzzled.
Du Lai patiently explained: "We are killed, do you still have an impression? We have encountered a tornado."
Missy heard the word "tornado", her eyes moved, and then blinked her eyes slowly, as if remembering it, she nodded very slowly, "yes... tornado..."
She looked at the sea again and questioned: "The tornado... why is it gone..."
Du Lai: "..."
He didn't know what to answer, he paused and said, "I don't know how long we have been in a coma, Miss, can you get in touch with your bodyguard, or anyone else?"
Missy looked at the sea and didn't speak.
Du Lai didn't know what was wrong with her. Was it too hard to recover, or was her brain damaged when she rushed ashore?
"...Miss?" Du Lai reminded her carefully, "Are you all right?"
She lowered her head and moved her two legs, saying, "My leg hurts."
Du Lai: "..."
Isn't this nonsense?
In such a big accident, it's good to survive, how can there be no injury? He still hurts all over him now!
"Miss..." Du Lai controlled his temper and patiently coaxed, "We must find rescue as soon as possible, otherwise, your injuries can't be treated in this kind of place, I think it looks like a deserted island, what's nearby nor."
Missy is still dumbfounded, with no expression on her face.
After a few seconds, she said indifferently: "Grandpa will send someone to come to me. Some of our family has money and some people. They will definitely find me soon."
Du Lai listened to her, put a heart down completely, and laughed: "It's great, then we try to stay where we are. It's more open here and easier for the rescue team to find."
Missy said: "But my leg hurts."
Du Lai will be a man this time, and said diligently: "I will take you to rest over there."
(End of this chapter)
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