Chapter 1336: Du Fu 62

Chapter 1336
Du Lai slapped her hands high, wishing to slap her up! But looking at her crying face, I couldn't get it off!
Maybe she is right.
He really likes her, likes her beauty, likes her arrogance, likes the enviable class behind her, that is the world he can't touch, she symbolizes wealth and fame in a sense, which man will not be moved ? But how true is this kind of heartbeat and love?
This kind of like can't support two people to continue walking!
He suddenly felt that the two of them were really pitiful...he was pitiful and she was pitiful, they were both making things they couldn't get.
Du Lai let go, sat aside depressed, and closed his eyes against the hard wall.
Fu Miaoxue was still in the original posture, crying.
This night, neither of them spoke anymore...
It started to rain in the middle of the night, pattering.
Although the rain is not heavy, the temperature drops abruptly, and it is still rainy in the morning, and the sky is as dark as night.
Du Lai felt chills all over his body, and instinctively wanted to find warmth, but when his body moved, he found that he was weak and couldn't even lift his head.
He knew he was probably ill.
There was some regret in my heart for a while, there was no fire, and it was myself who suffered.
However, his body has always been very good, and he has not been sick for such a long time on the island. This time he will be sick. In all likelihood, Fu Miaoxue is angry.
The woman's shadow persisted. At this moment, he was sick, and she was still muttering in his ear: "Du Lai, you wake up...what's wrong with you? Don't scare me...uuuu, wake up... ...Wake up..."
He wanted to say stop reading, it was so noisy.
But there was no sound in my throat, and even my eyelids were heavy and he couldn't lift them up.
Dazed, he fell asleep again, and I don't know how long it had passed. He felt cool water running through his mouth, as if Fu Miaoxue was feeding him with a handful of water.
Du Lai thought to herself that she must be terribly scared now. If he died here, there would be only one monkey left to accompany her for the rest of her life.
Thinking of this, I somehow wanted to laugh.
Sure enough, his mind is not clear... It's all like this, he still wants to laugh...
Du Lai was weak in his body and in his heart. In a daze, he heard Fu Miaoxue say: "Du Lai, my grandfather is about to send someone. If you insist, someone will come to rescue us soon."
He thought to himself: Great, this stinky woman is still a bit conscientious, and can't bear to watch herself die.
Fu Miaoxue whimpered and cried: "When you return to the manor, you and Alice will stay with me forever, okay? I won't scold you anymore or bite you. I will dress you nice clothes. You eat delicious food. There is a very big golden cage in my house. I will let you live in it. You will get better soon. I will take care of you..."
Du Lai:...
This is not the result he wanted.
Regaining consciousness, Du Lai opened his eyes.
As soon as I noticed that my body was recovering, my first thought was to check if I was wearing something strange—fortunately, there was no collar, no handcuffs or dog chains, and no golden cage around.
What about outside? Will there be bodyguards guarding?
He managed to get up and get out of bed and walked to the door. Before he could open the door, a woman in black outside opened the door and looked at him indifferently, "Mr. Du, you are awake."
Du Lai paused.
He recognized this woman as Fu Miaoxue's housekeeper, which means that they were really rescued! Fu Lisheng sent someone to rescue them!
But what about Fu Miaoxue? Where is she?
The housekeeper handed him a card and said flatly: "This is Mr. Fu's kindness. Thank you for taking care of the young lady during this time."
(End of this chapter)
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