Chapter 157: One more card (recommended ticket into the top 100 plus more)

Chapter 157 has an extra card (recommended tickets into the top 100 plus more)
I don't want to look up, I don't need to guess, I know how scornful eyes everyone will look at her.
But she has no choice!
She chooses "truth", she must say the truth! Otherwise it will die!
She doesn't want to be dragged away by those dolls!
Even if it is late at the moment, it does not want to be a doll!
The silence lasted two or three seconds.
She heard the Ombudsman calmly say: "It's your turn, gentleman, do you want to speak the truth or take a big risk?"
Why no one said her?
Why not blame her?
And that Bai Youwei, hasn't she always been clever? Why is there no sound?
Wu Lili looked up puzzled, but found that no one paid attention to her.
Both Shen Mo and Bai Youwei looked at Zhang Qi together.
Bai Youwei said: "Zhang Qi, choose a big adventure."
"Why ?!" Wu Lili was dismayed. "Don't you say that all of us choose" truth "?"
Bai Youwei rolled her eyes again, "... Do I have to explain it again? I don't even have a glass of water, and I'm thirsty too? I'm not the NPC responsible for interpreting the game!"
Zhang Qi pointed to the white card on the table and said to Wu Lili: "Just now Zhu Xiaofen did not eliminate the card, but now there is one more card."
Wu Lili froze.
truth or Dare.
Only by speaking the truth and doing a big adventure can the corresponding cards be eliminated.
Zhu Xiaofen didn't do it, so her card was left, and there are now two white cards left on the table. If Zhang Qi eliminates one more card, then ... when it's the Ombudsman's turn, there is another one!
Their strategy plan was disrupted by Zhu Xiaofen!
Even if Zhang Qi survived with white cards, the next round, waiting for them will be five consecutive black cards!
Wu Lili's face was pale, and she was completely speechless.
She couldn't see hope.
This game can't be won at all!
Bai Youwei stared at Zhang Qi's eyes and said, "If you choose a white card now, we will definitely die in the next round, because before the inspector draws the cards, the four of us will already draw black cards and be eliminated. But if If you choose a black card, we still have a chance in the next round. "
Zhang Qi was silent for a while and asked, "How big is the chance?"
Bai Youwei looked at him quietly for a long time and replied: "You and Wu Lili can survive one."
Zhang Qi was expressionless first, then sneered in the corner of his mouth, with self-deprecation and resentment, and a little crazy.
"In that case, it is really cost-effective to choose a black card." He looked at the inspector, "Hey, ugly! I choose a big adventure! Black card!"
The Ombudsman looks calm: "When faced with death, humans always seem to be prone to excessive emotions, and then speak in a self-destructive manner."
Bai Youwei laughed at it: "How many times did you get scolded before you summed up the experience? Are you used to being scolded?"
Ombudsman: "..."
It was not provoked by Bai Youwei once or twice.
Many times!
It inhales deeply, even if it doesn't need to breathe at all. The system data is simulating the most real look of anger for it!
A handsome and unrestrained face was veiled with anger.
Bai Youwei was not afraid of it at all, and said coolly: "What's so mad, you can treat my words as self-destructive?"
Do not!
It thought angrily:
You are not saying nothing!
You are clearly mad at me! ! !
Bai Youwei turned her head and bit her ear with Shen Mo around her: "You said, if I let it out to teach the player, would the system kill it?"
Ombudsman in anger: "..."
(End of this chapter)
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