Chapter 162: Give away regularly

Chapter 162 Give away regularly
There are walking steps below the hillside, and there is no barrier-free access. Bai Youwei can't get down in a wheelchair, but can only stay at the top of the and worry.
"Shen Mo! ...... Shen Mo! ..." she shouted again and again.
Wu Lili wiped a tear and asked, "Will I push you down?"
Bai Youwei gave her an irritated look, "How strong are your strengths? I don't want to roll down with you!"
Wu Lili bitterly grieved the lower lip.
Bai Youwei called her again: "Go down! Get my brother back!"
"This is so big ... Where can I find it?" Wu Lili said.
"If you are asked to find you, just go! Where is so much nonsense?" Bai Youwei shouted, "How can you find it if you don't find it!"
Wu Lili was afraid of her and went down with tears.
Just a few steps away, I saw a cottage in the distance opened the door, Shen Mo came out from inside, carrying a person in his hand, it was Uncle Zhao!
"Shen Mo!" Bai Youwei shouted at him.
Shen Mo freed one hand and waved.
Bai Youwei said to Wu Lili: "Push me down!"
"Ah?" Wu Lili was stunned. "But didn't you just say ..."
"Let's push if you push!" Bai Youwei was irritable again, "Mo Su is dead!"
"..." Wu Lili did not dare to provoke her, silently holding the wheelchair armrest down the steps.
When they got closer, they found that Zhao Jiantao was by Shen Mo, and the old man's face was black and silent, and he probably had nothing to say.
"The dolls are all in those houses." Shen Mo pointed to the cottage over there. "Everyone's luggage is also there. He does things very carefully. Every time he waits for someone to enter the game, he stays by the side. If someone turns into a doll, he will be hidden in his tow house, as will his luggage. In this way, the next time he sends someone to the island, he will not be found. "
"He came with us, why is he okay?" Bai Youwei asked.
Shen Mo's eyes glanced at Uncle Zhao and said lightly: "I asked, he said that players cannot enter the same game repeatedly, so even if he enters the area of ​​the doll game, it will not trigger the game."
Bai Youwei said "Well", "...... Also oh, if you master the method of customs clearance, and then come back and repeatedly brush the game rewards, it is too cheating."
Wu Lili was not as calm as they were. They rushed forward to grab the old man's clothes and questioned each other angrily:
"Zhao Jiantao! Why did you do this? Why ?! You just kill other people, but why did you kill Zhang Qi? Zhang Qi and Sun Wei have been doing things for you on the island! What is your heart doing! Why can it be so cruel !! Ah! Why !!! "
Uncle Zhao looked up at her with no expression on his face. "It is because he has to follow him, so are you."
Wu Lili was so resentful that he slapped it on the old man's face!
"Beast!" She cried, crying.
Zhao Jiantao was unmoved, his expression numb.
Bai Youwei looked at Wu Lili, and then at Uncle Zhao, and asked curiously: "Hey, I don't understand one thing, since you know that this island is in danger, you can avoid it as early as possible. Why did you deceive everyone and say this island? Is there a security base? "
Uncle Zhao lowered his head and ignored it.
Bai Youwei guessed: "Isn't it because there are too many people on the island, so you only send people to the island in order to save resources? ... Well, it seems wrong, now there are only sixty or seventy people on the island, not count How much, if the number of people decreases, fishing and cutting trees will not be possible ... "
Her gaze turned to Uncle Zhao, "Can it be ... you are actually a killer, a man, a madman, a demon, so please?"
"Oh!" Zhao Jiantao sneered. "You don't know anything at all. If I don't send people to the game regularly, the people on Sanshan Island should be dead!"
(End of this chapter)
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