Chapter 309: Dig people

Chapter 309 Digging People
After Shen Mo left, the house seemed to be empty and quiet.
Although he used to be quiet and indifferent when he was in the past, he felt quiet and at ease in silence.
Now that I'm gone, it's a bit uncomfortable.
Bai Youwei had nothing to do with nothing. She simply brought Teacher Cheng, chatting and Pan Xiaoxin into the doll house.
Entering the doll's house, naturally, all kinds of surprises, shocks, curiosity, doubts, joys, and emotions are helpless. The mood changes here are no longer expressed one by one.
The summer in Shanghai is too difficult, there is no electricity and no air conditioning, and staying in the house is like covering a prickly heat. The current season of the doll house seems to be spring, and it's chilly and comfortable.
Divided the room, talked and laughed, didn't even want to take a bath, and lay in bed to sleep.
Teacher Cheng took out the pen and paper and sat at the table to make a list,
If you live in a doll house in the future, there will be a lot of materials to start collecting again.
For example, things like slippers were not needed before, but now ... well, prepare four pairs first.
Teacher Cheng thought for a long time and finally wrote on the paper:
Sandals, four pairs;
Cotton mop, four pairs.
Pan Xiaoxin was very excited when he arrived in the new environment. Finally, he had some kids, and he ran upstairs and downstairs.
He ran to Bai Youwei and asked, "Sister Weiwei, will we live here in the future?"
"Huh." Bai Youwei nodded lazily, "Yeah ~"
"Can I live in the attic?" Pan Xiaoxin looked at her more excitedly.
Bai Youwei frowned, "There is no bed in the attic."
"I can hit the floor!" Pan Xiaoxin lit up the star eyes. "Sister Weiwei, let me live in the attic, let me live!"
Bai Youwei's scalp tingled for a while! She couldn't stand the child's coquettishness, and was about to goose bumps.
"Just whatever you want to live!"
"Wow! I want to live in the attic!-" Pan Xiaoxin ran upstairs excitedly, stepping up and down, and down again, the tent and bedding were all carried up, and the whole house could hear him moving the attic!
"What's wrong, do you have to hit the floor when you have a bed?" Bai Youwei was speechless.
Teacher Cheng Hehehe: "Little kids."
Bai Youwei pursed her lips and said, "I'm going out first, lest Shen Mo can't see anyone when he comes back, you should pack things up."
Teacher Cheng stood up, "Hey wait a minute, wait a minute ... I'll accompany you out."
Bai Youwei has opened the front door. Teacher Cheng is not worried about her alone and hurried over.
The two returned to one of the three-bedroom bedrooms, and before they stood firm, they heard someone knocking on the door and banging on and off.
"Hello, is anyone around?"
This rough voice sounded like Lu Ang.
Teacher Cheng walked to the door and looked out of the cat's eyes. It was indeed him. In addition to Lu Ang, Yan Qingwen and Zhu Shu also stood at the door.
"Come here ..." Teacher Cheng opened the door for them.
As soon as the door opened, Lu Ang couldn't help complaining: "How did the door open? We thought you all went out!"
He stretched his neck to look into the room and asked, "Shen Mo hasn't returned yet?"
Bai Youwei slid out of the wheelchair and quietly took the bedroom door,
"Not back. Chatting and Xiaoxin fell asleep. Teacher Cheng and I packed up inside."
"No wonder!" Lu Ang said, "When we came over, we saw that your cars were evacuated! Why, really plan to settle here?"
"Otherwise?" Bai Youwei shrugged indifferently.
Lu Ang smiled heartily: "You must stick to Shen Mo! Just like Su Man, always love to stick to Li Li! But others don't have to follow Shen Mo?"
He turned his head and asked Teacher Cheng: "Does the teacher also consider looking at it? Hey, I also asked the child to tell him to come together too!"
Bai Youwei blinked her eyes and looked at Yan Qingwen in surprise:
"Aren't you, the place where you settled hasn't covered the heat, so you ran over to dig someone?"
(End of this chapter)
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