Chapter 31: Violent ball

Chapter 31 Violent Ball
The surrounding stone walls were full of sloppy mud, pouring down.
And there are countless holes in the mud pits at the feet of everyone.
The golden ball is in one of the holes.
No one speaks.
No one moved.
The color of gold often makes people feel expensive, but it is also easy to ignore that it is a hard metal. What is the consequence if it is hit by a metal in a large wash basin and in high-speed movement?
The lighter broke the bone.
The most important person is directly sent to death!
The middle-aged fat man in the serving position stood froze, his face as white as paper, and the muddy water on his leg swelled up after the shock. The "boom" burst, the fat man couldn't help shivering, the smell of urine looming Diffuse ...
The cave was dull, hot and humid, and silent.
No one can laugh at it.
Everyone only stared at those holes, lest the golden ball would be ejected again.
It is clearly a ball with extremely rigid texture, but the ejection trajectory is like a full rubber ball! In the high-speed sports just now, the golden ball nearly hit people a few times, and the splashing muddy water even threw the people one by one! Unexpectedly, unavoidable, now everyone sits or stands like clay sculptures, silly, pitiful, and ridiculous!
Still looking for a ball?
Even the legs are soft.
Bai Youwei roughly counted, there are more than 30 holes in the line of sight alone, and there are not many places that are unclear. This means that the number of gold ball rebounds is at least sixty times.
She finally understood why the game time was 20 seconds.
One of the characteristics of this substance, mud, is its softness. When a pool of mud is smashed out of a hole, the silt around the entrance of the hole will slide down due to gravity until the hole is refilled.
Therefore, if you want to find the golden ball in the hole, you must act before the hole is filled.
Bai Youwei roughly scratched her thoughts, and the 20-second time also passed away.
At this time most of the mud caves have collapsed, mixing with the surrounding silt, leaving only a few places where the dents can be seen faintly.
Golden Ball doesn't know where.
Everyone was frightened by the speed and strength just now, coupled with the splash of muddy water, which obscured the vision. No one knew the final place of the golden ball.
After 20 seconds, an area in the mud suddenly bulged and the golden ball broke out of the mud!
It shakes up and down, and then rotates left and right, throwing the mud on the sphere completely, and returning to the golden light.
"What the hell--" The tone of the complaint was slow and long, and unusually dissatisfied, Jin Qiu asked, "Why didn't you come to me? I just said that there was only one demonstration! The whole 20 seconds, Did you even find a hole ?! "
Everyone looked at it ugly.
Looking for the ball?
If you don't pay attention, your head will blossom! Can't even hide, how to find? !
Jin Qiu hummed at everyone (although it had no eyes at all) and said angrily: "Forget it, the demonstration is over anyway. Let's start the game now!
The theme of this game is the golden ball of the frog. The inspector serves the ball at any position, any angle, and any strength. The player can find the ball within 20 seconds to clear the game.
The criteria for finding the ball are: first, the hand must touch the ball, and second, the ball is at rest.
Are you ready? Let's drive ... "
"Please wait."
There was a soft voice in the crowd.
Everyone smelled it and found it was Bai Youwei.
She sat on the field snail with her arms stretched, her long loose hair wet into strands, her wide skirt soaked in muddy water, clinging to the shell, like a stranded mermaid, quiet and weak.
Just gloomy eyes, sneer in the corner of her mouth, and a strange sense of disobedience with her whole body embarrassment.
Bai Youwei raised a hand and asked, "Did the game rules miss something?"
(End of this chapter)
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