Chapter 335: Female special

Chapter 335 Female Special Session
Bai Youwei narrowed her eyes slightly.
When he got closer, the man's figure became clearer.
As if the actor in the girl's comic walked into reality, her tall, thin figure, gorgeous blond hair, fair skin, curled eyelashes, and blue eyes that were always full of affection.
It was the inspector at the friend's party.
"Welcome everyone to come to the women's special game." The inspector smiled and bent down, paying a gentleman's salute. "I am the inspector of this game, I hope to have a good time with you."
No one speaks.
Only Bai Youwei's lukewarm cry.
The Ombudsman ’s eyes fell on her face, her smile unchanged:
Meet again, lady, I look forward to your performance next.

Bai Youwei replied without expression: "Okay, friends of women."
Ombudsman: "..."
The smile in his mouth was slightly stiff, and he recovered in an instant, as if that momentary stiffness was just an illusion.
"So ... everybody, please come with me." The Ombudsman turned and maintained his elegant manners, leading the women into this magnificent castle-like estate.
"This game is a special for women. As the name suggests, this is a game that only women can participate in."
The ombudsman walked along while performing his due diligence.
"Presumably you have already noticed that the theme of the game is" The Last Bride ", and you have all put on a wedding dress. From now on, you are the seven brides who are married to the Duke from afar."
"Duke?" Yu Yaqing frowned.
"Yes, the most noble, the richest, and the most affectionate prince, when the sun goes down, he will come back. Until then, I will stay here as a housekeeper to provide you with the necessary help in the game. "The Ombudsman sideways salute," Then, please follow me. "
Yu Yaqing looked at it suspiciously, paused for a moment, and moved on.
Others have followed suit.
They walked through the restaurant, through the vestibule, through the veranda surrounded by roses ...
As they went deeper into the manor, they became more and more aware of the ultimate luxury. All their sights were full of magnificence. Even the armrests of the tables and chairs were made of gold. A wall lamp on the wall was studded with jewels. .
"The Duke has endless wealth, but his character is tyrannical. If anyone angers him, he will pay his life as a price." The inspector stopped in front of a long aisle and turned to look at them. It is a group of lovely brides, but I still want to remind you not to make the Duke angry. "
"Is this a reminder of the conditions for customs clearance?" Bai Youwei stared at his eyes and asked, "Don't make the Duke angry?"
Zhu Shu also touched: "... If he is irritated, he will give his life, meaning that the player who angered him will die, whoever survives to the end, who can pass the game, so the theme of the game is called the last bride ? "
The Ombudsman looked down at them from the top, his mouth raised, and the answer was ambiguous:
"You can think this way or not."
Su Man couldn't help but anxiously said: "What does this mean ?! Don't you plan to tell us the conditions for customs clearance? Vaguely speaking, who can understand?"
"Beautiful bride, please don't be angry." The Ombudsman smiled. "Each game has customs clearance conditions, and the customs clearance conditions of this game told you from the beginning-to be the last bride."
Everyone's face changed and changed.
What does it mean to be the last bride? !
Does it mean the last one?
Cheng Qian asked nervously: "Does it mean ... those of us can only live one?"
(End of this chapter)
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