Chapter 340: Japanese tools

Chapter 340 Props and Props
There is too much food to eat at all.
Yu Yaqing had eaten eight or nine minutes and asked the inspector: "How many floors are there?"
"If you count the basement, the fourth floor." The inspector replied.
Yu Yaqing asked again: "Where is the locked room?"
The Ombudsman smiled and didn't answer her directly: "Bride, please don't open the locked room, otherwise the Duke will be very angry. Trust me, you won't want to see that scene."
Yu Yaqing frowned: "I don't have to open the room, but I need to know where that room is!"
The inspector said: "Of course the locked room is in this manor."
It seems that they are not going to tell them.
Yu Yaqing put down his knife and fork and got up and said to Hu Ya: "Were you full? We do n’t have much time. If there are 128 rooms on each floor, we must search every room before the sun goes down. ! "
Everyone was not too hungry at first, and got up after taking a few bites.
Only Bai Youwei didn't move.
"Aren't you going?" Zhu Shu asked.
"Oh, I'm not full yet. You go." Bai Youwei slowly cut the pancakes on the plate. "And, I'm not convenient to go up and down the stairs. After a while, I'll search the room on the first floor."
Everyone heard it, and left the restaurant one after another.
Zhu Shu glanced at Bai Youwei, and also left behind Su Man.
In the big restaurant, only Bai Youwei and the inspector are left. One is at the end of the table and the other is at the end of the table.
Bai Youwei was eating, and said vaguely in her mouth:
"The roast suckling pig is too big to hold, but those steaks, grilled chicken, meatballs can be taken ... wrong, put in the freezing area, the fruit and vegetable in the cold storage area ... can't reach it? Then you move Step up the chair. "
The inspector smiled politely: "Excuse me, can I help you?"
Bai Youwei froze for a moment, and looked up at it: "I didn't speak to you."
Ombudsman: "..."
Bai Youwei swallowed the food in her mouth and said, "Can you walk away? I don't like to be watched while I eat."
The Ombudsman smiled slightly coldly: "Of course. Then, please use it slowly."
It leaned slightly and then left.
When passing by Bai Youwei, she saw that most of the dishes in front of her were empty, and could not help but ridicule: "If the Duke sees the bride's appetite so good, he will definitely feel high ..."
The speech was suspended in half and could not fall.
Because it saw a plush rabbit crawling out from under the tablecloth! Jump up to the table along Bai Youwei's shoulders, and then drag away a whole plate of fried salmon!
The inspector's beautiful azure eyes widened in amazement!
The rabbit jumped off the table holding the plate, quickly burrowed under the tablecloth, and came out again after a while. This time, it took a plate of chocolate mousse!
"How can you! ..." The inspector was shocked, long-legged meteor walked over and lifted the tablecloth in front of Bai Youwei!
"Hello!" Bai Youwei was angry, "You're dirty my skirt!"
The inspector is scheduled to stand at the table.
I saw the plush rabbit under the table, holding a key in his paws, twisted half a circle, and opened the door of the doll house!
The rabbit held the chocolate mousse over his head and ran in!
"Why didn't the system judge you for violation?"
The Ombudsman turned to question Bai Youwei, his tone was furious! After tearing off the gentleman's hypocritical mask, only anger and grief were left!
"Why should I be judged to be in violation of the rules?" Bai Youwei shook the oil stains on her skirt, frowned, and asked, "Aren't you allowed to use props in your game?"
Inspector: "Of course you can use props, but your props! ..."
"It's okay if you can use it." She smiled lightly. "I just used props."
"But! There shouldn't be any such items!" It pointed angrily at the entrance to the doll's house and to the rabbit who had just come out of the doll's house. "This item, and this item! The system shouldn't allow such items that affect balance ! "
(End of this chapter)
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