Chapter 357: confusion

Chapter 357 Chaos
Bai Youwei looked up and looked at the two people at the railing.
The gardener comforted Cheng Qian in every possible way.
The frightened Cheng Qian was in need of such care, sobbing on his chest and making them more intimate.
Bai Youwei withdrew his gaze and stopped looking at the man and the woman, but looked down at his palm.
There is a button there.
She just pulled it off the gardener's shirt.
As the gardener kept going up and down, he didn't have the gentleness and carefulness at the beginning, but just went up and down quickly, not paying attention to Bai Youwei's movements.
She looked for a while, put away the buttons, and slid her wheelchair to the restaurant.
At this moment, there was a quarrel suddenly upstairs!
"Cheng Qian! You can't change the dog to eat ?! Just a few minutes without seeing you, you go into the man's arms?" Hu Ya's voice was loud and loud, with a nameless anger, "Yes It ’s not that after a while, you ’re going to bed with the man? !!!
Cheng Qian was originally scared like a quail, but now Hu Ya pointed at his nose and scolded, a face was pale and pale, tears fell to the ground, and Zhizhiwuwu said nothing.
Yu Yaqing also felt that Cheng Qian was unsuitable. At the moment when his life was at stake, he was still talking to NPC Qingqing, and I didn't know what to say.
However, Hu Ya scolded it too hard.
She frowned: "What time is it, why are you arguing with her?"
Hu Ya pulled Cheng Qian out of the gardener's arms, and then shook it away in disgust! Cheng Qian fell to the ground, tears whirling, very weak.
Seeing her delicate and pitiful appearance, Hu Ya became more and more angry, and she would give her a slap when she raised her hand!
"Hu Ya!" Yu Yaqing couldn't see it, raised his hand to stop Hu Ya, "What are you crazy ?!"
"I want to teach her!" Hu Ya said indignantly, staring at Cheng Qian fiercely, "I'm going to treat her for three minutes without the man's disease!"
Yu Yaqing snorted coldly: "Enough! How does she have anything to do with you! Take care of your own business! The key that you are looking for? Did you find it ?!"
Hu Ya bit her lip and replied: "No!"
Yu Yaqing frowned, then looked at Su Man and Zhu Shu: "You, have you found the key?"
"No." Su Man shook his head and said upset, "There are too many rooms, I don't know where to start looking."
Yu Yaqing frowned tightly and said nothing.
She remembered the real and fake keys the gardener said ...
Now, Hu Ya, Zhu Shu, Su Man ... all said that they did not find the key, that is to say, the six of them, only she found the key, and it was a real key.
The fake key was not found, is this possible?
Did they conceal the intelligence? As the gardener said, they ... all want to be the "last bride" so that they can get high rewards? Even betray your companions?
No, they are not companions.
There is even a holiday.
Yu Yaqing squeezed his lips tightly, and the balance in his heart tilted left and right, shaking constantly.
The real key is in her hand.
But she, do you want to tell them?
At this time, Hu Ya's heart is another kind of chaos-
I trust her so much! She actually reprimanded me in public for that Cheng Qian! ! !
What does she think of me? ! Is the maid girl who casually calls and teaches? ! Since she looks down on me! Why should I listen to her? ! Why? ! !
I will not hand over the keys, I will not tell anyone!
I want to live until Sunday and become the last bride!
Bai Youwei glanced at the women with different looks, withdrawn her gaze, and slid the wheelchair straight to the restaurant.
It was a little while before dinner time, and the inspector was preparing dinner.
It was dinner, but it was just appetizing raw blood.
Bai Youwei took a seat silently and looked at the inspector.
It looked over and smiled slightly: "Is there any problem?"
Bai Youwei leaned on her cheek and slowly said, "Today I found a gardener at the manor, whose temperament and feeling are very similar to yours."
After a pause, he added: "But it's not as ugly as you are."
Ombudsman: "..."
It's too difficult to ask for a ticket to make the list, and it feels like it's about 4th again. I don't think I'm suitable for such an exciting event. Monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)
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