Chapter 360: Kill him

Chapter 360 Kill Him
Whether it is a hack or a stab, it is useless!
This duke is like a copper wall and iron wall! No matter which part of his body is attacked, he seems to be painless! Even if it caused a little injury at the time, it will heal quickly!
Not to mention hurting him, they can't even stop him now!
Yu Yaqing and Su Man stopped for only two or three seconds, and the Duke dragged Cheng Qian to the third floor—
At the moment of reaching the third floor, the dying Cheng Qian suddenly issued a crying and roaring cry!
Just like the last rebellion before she died, her eyes were wide open, her body twisted, and she tried her best to throw two beads at the Duke!
Two beads, one escaped by the duke, and the other hit him on the shoulder.
The duke's body twitched twice with pain, and he let out a groan in his throat, then dragged her and continued on!
"Why ..." Cheng Qian couldn't accept such a result, "Why didn't it burst ... Why didn't it burst? !!! Why ah ah !!!"
Zhu Shu, who came over, was not reconciled and threw three beads at once!
The of luck no longer favored her.
Beads without a thunderstorm effect will only cause the duke to feel pain, and will not cause substantial damage.
He dragged Cheng Qian faster and faster.
The bride on the ground is crying! Scratching! Struggling hard!
I even wish I could bite off my dragged arm!
Can't escape after all!
Cheng Qian was dragged by the Duke to the execution room.
The stone wall flipped quickly, the Duke dragged Cheng Qian in, and then the stone wall closed one second before Su Man and Yu Yaqing arrived—
Yu Yaqing's fist thumped on the wall.
The walls are immobile.
Since closing, this wall is the same as other walls, and no difference can be seen.
Yu Yaqing didn't want to give up and pushed hard against the wall. Su Man and Zhu Shu also worked hard with her, but it was still useless.
"It shouldn't be like this ..." Yu Yaqing tried to push the wall again. "Why can he get in, can't we get in?"
Su Man shoved for a while, and was exhausted, stopping to gasp.
There came Cheng Qian's screams of pain.
As sad as yesterday's Zhao Lanfen, as horrible as it is echoed in the whole manor, the same is quiet ...
The three women glanced silently.
In their eyes, there is helplessness, frustration, anger, and sadness.
Can't save Cheng Qian, of course, but even more desperate, they have no way to take the humanoid beast!
"The rules of the game are restricting us, so we can't get in ..." Zhu Shu looked at the wall and speculated, "Maybe, we can only enter this room during the day."
Yu Yaqing pondered for a moment and nodded: "It is very likely that it is. The night is the Duke's time, and the day is the player's time."
"Go, go find Bai Youwei." Su Man sighed and went downstairs. "Maybe she has a way."
Mental work has not always been the part she is good at. She used to rely on Yan Qingwen, but now she can only rely on Bai Youwei.
When I got downstairs, I saw Bai Youwei waiting for them by the stairs.
Su Man shook her head at her: "Failed to save."
Bai Youwei seemed to have expected the result, calmly asked: "Did you see clearly?"
"Huh." Su Man nodded. "I cut his dress, and the shirt collar inside was indeed one less button."
In the mist of Yu Yaqing, asked them: "What button?"
Bai Youwei took out the button and tossed it gently, Yu Yaqing reached out to catch it, only to see a button with gold rims in his hand, which looked familiar.
"This is the button on the gardener, it seems that the same person is right." Bai Youwei said lightly, "Since he can't kill him at night, then try it during the day, the game will always give people a way out."
"Kill him ?!" Hu Ya, who had been silent for a while, suddenly shouted, "You are so sure that killing the gardener can pass the customs? What if it is wrong? !!!"
I'm sorry, I'm in a bad state today, I'm writing very slowly, I have two chapters to supply you tomorrow! Come on, everyone!
(End of this chapter)
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