Chapter 412: Peek-a-boo cat

Chapter 412 Peekaboo
"Ding! Welcome to the doll game! The theme of this game is" Peekaboo ", the rules are as follows:
One, refuse to turn the game into a doll!
Second, the game fails and becomes a doll!
Third, the game clearance reward dolls! "
A familiar voice rang in my ears, but the scene in front of him did not change at all.
They are still in the amusement park.
According to the information provided in Game 21, the peek-a-boo game scene completely duplicates this amusement park. All elements are exactly the same as the real amusement park.
Shen Mo looked back at the gate of the amusement park. The street scene and the crowd outside the door disappeared, leaving only a blank white.
"Welcome to the doll game, I am the inspector of this game and look forward to your next performance."
Everyone followed the reputation.
Not far away, a figure in a white bow-tie shirt and black tuxedo came, holding a top hat in his hand, like a polite gentleman, but with a rabbit head on his head, and his voice was gentle and intellectual like a woman .
Several completely different characteristics merged into one, unexpectedly harmonious and natural.
Everyone gathered together subconsciously and watched as the inspectors approached step by step.
It walked to a position ten steps away from the crowd, stopped, and its eyes fell gently on their faces with different looks.
When she saw Bai Youwei, she glanced a little, moved down a bit, and saw the furry rabbit in her arms.
Bai Youwei frowned, turned the rabbit in her arms, and slammed it in the back of her head.
The Buntu smiled silently.
"So, now I will explain the rules for you, please follow me--"
It turned towards a black-and-white brick-paved road with bright flowerbeds, cartoon sculptures, and colorful flags and balloons everywhere in the amusement park.
Everyone stopped at the same place. After hesitating for a while, they kept up with the inspector.
The amusement park is very large and very quiet. Apart from their footsteps, there is no more movement and no wind.
As dead as a grave.
The Ombudsman is at the forefront, introducing the rules while walking:
"Peek-a-boo is Mary ’s favorite game. She and her cat play peek-a-boo every night, and it ’s very good. It ’s never been found. All you have to do is hide in the night and avoid Found by Mary and her cat ... "
"What if it is found?" Yu Yaqing asked.
"If it's found ..." The Buntuman's pace slowed, turning his head to look at her. "Found, it means losing, and will stay here forever, accompany Mary and her cat to play peekaboo."
Shen Mo then asked it: "What are the conditions for customs clearance?"
The Ombudsman replied: "Killing Mary, or Mary's cat, any death will make the game impossible, so the player will naturally win."
The same as stated in the game information.
Clearance conditions are very clear, at least it sounds like there is no mystery, and no word games.
Or kill Mary
Or kill Mary's cat.
It's that simple and rough.
The Bunnyman stopped in front of a huge carousel, raised his finger to the top of the carousel, and introduced to everyone:
"This is Mary, and her cat."
Everyone looked down at the inspector's finger and saw a red-and-white canopy above the carousel, with gold powder on the edges and colorful lights embedded in it.
On top of the canopy, at this moment, there is an extremely large puppet cat asleep!
Above the cat, a little girl in a puffy princess dress fell asleep!
It ’s a cat!
And Mary!
The inspector said: "After repeated debugging in the game's internal testing, this game implements the 6 o'clock system, which is 6 hours in the day and 6 hours in the night. I hope you can make full use of time to achieve the customs clearance conditions.
After finishing speaking, he turned to face them and asked gently:
"Now, do you have any questions about the rules of the game?"
(End of this chapter)
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