Chapter 420: Have a small meeting

Chapter 420 Opening a Small Meeting
Bai Youwei's impression usually has these characteristics:
1, in a wheelchair;
2, holding a plush rabbit;
3. Hang a canvas bag on the wheelchair.
The canvas bag was filled with her belongings and her props. Everyone was surprised, only when she was going to use props as weapons.
But such a big bag is really eye-catching.
Jiang Hao's eyes stayed on the canvas bag for two more seconds.
"Okay, now that we have weapons, let's discuss Mary and the cat!"
Zhao Mingdeng is always the most active one. He has a lot of enthusiasm for the game, and his tone is like discussing game strategies on the forum.
"I think! The main direction of the game should be on Mary, not the cat!
That cat is as big as a bus. Normal humans are not its opponents, let alone kill it! But Mary, did you see it too? Mary is the size of a human girl, even weaker than a human girl! Obviously it is much better to deal with! "
"What you said, the previous players must have thought of it." Lu Ang frowned, saying in disapproval, "I think Mary is a trap, maybe the game uses our kind of psychology, think Mary is good to deal with As a result, all the braids were raised after the hands. "
Zhao Mingdeng stared at his eyes: "Do you want to deal directly with that cat? A big cat, even if ten of us go together, may not be able to kill!"
These swords, swords and swords, cut into cats may have the same effect as toothpicks!
"I have another way of thinking." Yan Qingwen aside said.
Everyone looked at him.
"Whether it's dealing with cats or Mary, as long as you deal with one of them, you will inevitably encounter the other." Yan Qingwen said unhurriedly, "If they are separated, is it possible that they will have different effects?"
Zhao Mingdeng's eyes suddenly lighted up, "Your idea is good! According to the game information, Mary and the cat have been together, especially the cat is almost invulnerable. If they are separated, maybe the two sides will show flaws ?!"
"How can Mary and Cat be separated?" Yu Yaqing asked.
Yan Qingwen pondered for a moment, and looked up to everyone, "You can be a trap to get Mary off the cat, but this method is dangerous, and you must plan the evacuation route in advance. After all, we are not sure, both of these Once separated, what will happen. "
"How long does it take to be trapped?" Shen Mo asked him.
Yan Qingwen looked up and looked around, and he quickly had several plans in his mind, answering: "40 minutes."
"How about planning an evacuation route?" Shen Mo asked again.
Yan Qingwen smiled lightly, "At least 2 hours."
Talking and laughing couldn't help crying out! "It takes so long ?!"
"2 hours is already short." Shen Fei said solemnly, "evacuation is not a random run without a plan and no direction, but through precise calculation, between the starting point and the end point, using the terrain and environmental characteristics, artificial design three Go to the five or so visual blind spots to help escape safely, and because everyone ’s evacuation direction cannot be the same, so if several people participate in the operation, it is necessary to prepare several evacuation routes! This requires a high amount of calculation!

After Shen Fei finished speaking, he couldn't help but cast his admiration on Yan Qingwen.
Reason, wisdom, calmness, this is the cousin's friends!
You should n’t be with Wang Jingxian ’s daughter and meet a bunch of messy people! It's like the top students in the school are being spoiled by the bad boy, never to return!
Yan Qingwen smiled and said to Shen Mo, "You let Wei Wei come to help me, time may be shorter."
Shen Fei: "???
(End of this chapter)
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