Chapter 477: Bulging biceps

Chapter 477 Drumming Biceps
Shen Mo embraced Bai Youwei in bed, and the two were quiet.
Quiet is quiet, but Bai Youwei feels noisy.
Her heartbeat makes her feel very noisy ...
I do n’t know what Shen Mo felt at the moment. Anyway, she could n’t sleep and could n’t help turning around.
Shen Mo closed her eyes and allowed her to move around in her arms. Later, when she was really troubled, she grabbed her hand and put it on her waist.
Abs muscle ~
Bai Youwei stopped, quietly touching the abdominal muscles, trapezius, deltoid, latissimus dorsi ...
She reached out and poked her biceps, and asked curiously: "It doesn't seem to be a drum? The male stars on TV are all bulging."
Shen Mogu showed her.
Bai Youwei's fingers were sunk, and they were pushed up again.
Suddenly swelled up for a while, and then flattened again for a while, Shen Mo finally opened her eyes, adjusted her posture around her, and said, "Stop playing."
"Why?" Bai Youwei asked.
Shen Mo said: "Because you will be tired."
Bai Youwei: "..."
Are you a man? Wouldn't it be humiliating to hang the word "tired" easily? What's so tiring about drumming your biceps?
Bai Youwei's heart fluttered for a while.
After suffocating the waist of Shen Mo, he hummed and said, "Then let's go to the doll house to rest ~"
Shen Mo rubbed her head and gave a "huh" sound.
Resting outside is ultimately not safe enough, especially now that they have so many puzzle pieces in their hands, they have to be more cautious.
Bai Youwei opened the doll house, it was also dark at night, the living room was not turned on, and it was dark.
Shen Mo turned on the light and found an arm lying on the floor of the living room, caught off guard.
Shen Mo: "..."
Bai Youwei was also stunned.
"This ... I almost forgot, this is the arm you cut off." She explained, "I wanted to burn it with a fire, but it didn't seem to be afraid of fire and struggled all the time. . "
What kind of "smooth" is this?
From the game, "shun" things seem to have become her habit.
Shen Mo asked: "Don't you scare Teacher Cheng and Xiaoxin?"
"No." Bai Youwei shook her head gently. "They were all on the second floor. And I am the owner of the doll house. Everyone or thing in the doll house must obey the owner's orders, so I'm not afraid that it will trouble me in the house."
She said with a melancholy sigh, and then said: "It is estimated that because of this, the inspector will not reward me."
Thinking of this, Bai Youwei was very depressed.
The rewards received by Yan Qingwen, Shen Fei, and Shen Mo are particularly good. The steel doll is equivalent to an extra bodyguard. The puppet doll can be warned in advance, and the metal piece doll can be turned into a close-fitting weapon. Broken arm ...
what! The loss is too great!
What did she think about her mind? It's no use regretting now.
Bai Youwei's hearts were filled with annoyance and entanglement.
Shen Mo picked up his arm, and his arm didn't respond.
"It seems broken." Shen Mo said.
"Is it broken ..." Bai Youwei also looked closer, "Will you throw it out? It's disgusting."
The hand on the broken arm suddenly clenched into a fist, then stretched out a finger and shook it vigorously.
Bai Youwei: "..."
Shen Mo: "..."
After two seconds of silence, Bai Youwei looked at Shen Mo with a complex expression: "It's even more disgusting now."
A moving arm.
It's disgusting.
(End of this chapter)
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