Chapter 498: Mind Chicken Soup

Chapter 498 Soul Chicken Soup
Su Man: "..."
For two seconds, he turned around quickly!
She finally felt embarrassed afterwards, and whispered: "You ... you change clothes first, I'll go back and bring the luggage and the map!"
Speaking, he hurried out.
Lu Yuwen looked at her back and looked at the clothes in her hand again. After tangling for a while, she finally couldn't bear the stinky smell on her body.
The temperature, with the coldness of early autumn, is not as cold as it is, but it is really a crime to take a shower with cold water.
After Lu Yuwen took a shower, he sneezed for several times.
The person cleaned up, but his body was gone, faintly dizzy.
He knew that it was going to be bad, so he quickly turned over the cabinet in the clinic and looked for cold medicine!
When Su Man came back with his suitcase on his back, he saw Lu Yuwen lying on the hospital bed with a hot face. He couldn't help but be surprised: "What's wrong with you?"
Isn't the wound just disinfected? I also got medicine, how did it feel worse?
Lu Yuwen has words of misery.
Do you want to say that you are hypocritical again and take a cold shower to treat yourself sick?
In the final analysis, he is still too weak to survive in this world!
He had taken medicine and was exhausted. He asked Su Man weakly: "Is the map back?"
"Take it back." Su Man showed him.
Lu Yuwen didn't have the strength to take it, just looked at the drawing in her hand, and said in a mute voice: "If I can do well tomorrow, I will fill in the rest of the map with you. This maze is not terrible, as long as every square is filled. You can find the correct route by rearranging the maps in the correct order ... If I ca n’t get better, you can fill in the map yourself, understand? "
Su Man raised his hand and tried his forehead, his eyebrows curled up, "How come there is a sudden fever? Have you taken the medicine? I'll get you the medicine."
"Eat ..." Lu Yuwen grabbed her, and her voice was hoarse with high heat. "It is estimated that the wound on the leg was inflamed, plus the wind chill ... It will not be better in a few days. If you can go out, Just go out as soon as possible, don't worry about me. "
Su Man's brows deepened, "I will definitely take you out!"
Lu Yuwen shook his head, "... Listen, I'm lame. It's not good to have a leg script. It's safe to stay in the maze. You don't need to take me out, and I don't like to owe others ..."
"What happened to the ?!" Su Man interrupted him with a tone of hate that iron was not steel. "You are just one leg limped, and I know a person who is both limped! I don't live like this now. Okay ?! Not only does she live well, but everyone is afraid of her! No one dares to provoke her! You must cheer up! "
Lu Yuwen smiled: "Thank you for the chicken soup, but I can't drink it ..."
"This is not chicken soup! It's a real person!" Su Man is very real. "She's much worse than you. You can still walk at least. She can only take a wheelchair and even need help from the toilet! But she never gave up. , Pass many games! You should not give up! "
Lu Yuwen thought: How could it be possible to clear the game in a wheelchair?
Could you be a little sincere when you cook chicken soup?
Never mind ...
This girl is also a solid-eyed, kind-hearted, just want to encourage him, why should he hit her.
But having said that ... the taste of being sick is really uncomfortable.
Lu Yuwen closed his eyes, sighed weakly, and said in a mute voice again: "If I can get better, let's go together; if I can't get better, you can go by yourself. Still the same sentence ... There is no need to be dragged down by me, nor do I like to owe humanity. "
No more talk afterwards, rest in bed with eyes closed.
Su Man bit his lip and looked at him in a bad mood.
Do people with bad legs and feet have such awkward personality?
(End of this chapter)
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