Chapter 527: Grandson

Chapter 527
There is a family next to the Li family, which is also a mud house and a courtyard, and it is very poor.
Generally speaking, in addition to the old mansion in this village, only the house of Li Zheng's family can be seen. The others are poorer than the other.
An old lady was sitting in the gray courtyard, holding a smoky gun, and she was smoking smoke.
The smell of smoke is very choking, and it is estimated to be the worst tobacco leaf.
Sensing the line of sight outside the door, the old lady lazily lifted her eyelids, casually glanced at it, and then continued to smoke cigarettes, ignoring them.
"It seems that most of the village is elderly." Bai Youwei whispered to Shen Mo.
Both old scholars, Lizheng, and Ma are old men over sixty.
Even when I saw Li Zheng ’s son and daughter-in-law in Lingtang, they were in their early forties, and the younger ones were children, but they did not see young people in their teens or twenties.
"This place is too poor. Where can the young stay here?" The old lady in the yard suddenly opened her mouth. "All the people who can walk are gone. The only ones left are the elderly who can't move, and the old bachelor who can't marry his wife . "
Several people were stunned for a moment, but I didn't expect this NPC to give information so neatly.
Du Lai walked into the courtyard and asked politely: "Do you know the Li family next door?"
The old lady listened and smiled silently. The folds on her face were like deep gullies, giving a very uncomfortable feeling.
At this time, there were coughing sounds in the room, and then they heard an old man say:
"I have been ill for a long time, when will the daughters come back to see me?"
The old lady took a cigarette and gently knocked on the ground and said to the old man in the room, "Didn't the old lady just visited you yesterday?"
"Why don't you see the three of their sisters coming to see me together?"
The old woman sneered and said, "That's not easy. The eldest daughter returns on the fifth day, the second daughter returns on the fourth day, and the daughter returns on the third day. Who knows when they will come to see you together.
There was something back in his mouth, but his gaze looked at Du Lai and Fu Miaoxue, Shen Mo and Bai Youwei behind him.
Everyone knows that this is the NPC question for them.
Bai Youwei was relieved.
Fortunately, this question is not difficult.
She asked the old lady: "When were the three daughters last together?"
"I was reunited once during the Mid-Autumn Festival." The old woman replied.
"How many days have passed since the Mid-Autumn Festival?" Bai Youwei asked again.
The old lady sneered coldly: "The old lady is too old to remember ..."
Bai Youwei frowned slightly.
Not only her, Shen Mo and Du Lai also frowned.
"What's wrong with you?" Fu Miaoxue didn't know so, "Is this difficult?"
"The question is not difficult, but something is missing." Bai Youwei explained, "This is a question in the ancient" Sonson Scriptures ". The question is that the family has three daughters who have been married. Once in four days, my little daughter went back to her mother ’s house three days. After the three daughters walked from their mother ’s house on the same day, how many days did the three meet again? "
"How many days?" Fu Miaoxue blurted out.
Bai Youwei: "Sixty days."
The number of days is the least common multiple of the days between three daughters returning home.
That is, the three numbers 3, 4, and 5 are multiplied to 60.
Fu Miaoxue blinked her eyes and said, "Then tell her the answer."
Du Lai took her hand and pulled it behind her. "What is missing is the prerequisite. We don't know on what day the three daughters left together."
"There should be clues about the Mid-Autumn Festival nearby." Shen Mo said, "Let's find out separately."
As long as you know the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival in this game, you can calculate the time when the three daughters will come back together next time.
Fu Miaoxue said: "Oh, what trouble do you do?"
After finishing talking, he jumped up in front of the old lady: "Hey, your three daughters will come back tomorrow ~"
(End of this chapter)
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