Chapter 594: Disorganized colors

Chapter 594 The chaotic colors
The words of the black man and the woman with short hair made sense, and the man in the suit tangled again and hugged his head, his expression struggling to the extreme!
Witnessing all of this, Bai Youwei was amazed and felt that Ogata congratulated him as a chicken thief.
Under the premise of not guilty of any camp, cleverly misled the suit man with delay and eyes!
Anyway, he did say the true answer, blue!
As for whether the man in the suit believes it or not, it doesn't matter to him!
The reason why Ogata did this is also well understood. The more chaotic the situation, the more favorable it is to the yellow eyes with the smallest number of people. It's best to make people in the blue-eye camp hate red eyes. All votes cast red eyes!
"Asshole!" The black man gritted his teeth and stared angrily at the man in the suit. "Now whether it's blue eyes or yellow eyes, your eyes are blue. Even so, do you still refuse to believe it ?! ! "
"Of course I can't believe it." The men in suits didn't wait to answer, and the short-haired women scornfully chuckled. "We have the largest number of red eyes. You two teams are few people. You are obviously ready to cooperate. Of course, you will be nostril.
"Smells!" The black man yelled, "I must unscrew your head!"
His companion grabbed him, hinted at Bai Youwei's direction, and said a few words in his ear.
The strong black man was stunned, looking at Bai Youwei, his anger suddenly disappearing.
Realizing the change in the mood of the black people, the short-haired woman looked suspiciously. After finding out that Bai Youwei was in Ogata's camp, her face suddenly changed.
The short-haired female led a team of people with red eyes and stood in front of Bai Youwei with impunity. She looked down and looked down at Bai Youwei: "Hey, what's the matter with you? Clearly red eyes, why are you here?"
Bai Youwei looked confused, "... you say me? ... I have red eyes?"
The black man not far away laughed loudly: "Yo! We robbed us of blue eyes, now we can't wait to dig people over the yellow eyes? Would it be too greedy ?!"
Ogata did n’t panic and said to Bai Youwei: "Even if I tell you now that you have yellow eyes, I'm afraid you won't believe it. Why would you ask the person with blue eyes?"
"Ask them? They'll be honest to tell the truth!" The short-haired girl stared at Ogata He with full of air. "They're stealing chickens from our side and don't kill rice, just remember to hate me, I just want to see our little red eyes people!"
"So what do you think should be done?" Ogata congratulated him gently. "I said she has yellow eyes, and you said she has red eyes. If the dispute does not result, let her decide for herself."
The glasses guy next to Ogata couldn't help but stand up and said: "I said you are too venomous! People who deceived blue eyes don't say, now they want to deceive people with yellow eyes! Hey! … Is it called Allen? Your eyes are blue! Doctor Ogata never deceived anyone! You fell in love with that woman! "
The man in the suit looked suspiciously here.
The tall woman with short hair can't help but grind her teeth. If you continue to stalemate, maybe not only can you not attract Bai Youwei, but also make the suit man shake again.
She was hesitating. At this time, Bai Youwei suddenly opened her mouth and said, "Can I ask the person with blue eyes?"
Ogata He still smiles without a surprise: "Of course."
The black strong men looked lively.
But Bai Youwei didn't ask him, but turned her eyes to the two men in the blue-eye team wearing combat uniforms, and asked seriously:
"What color is my eye?"
The two men, Fang Yu and Yu Zhaohui, were former subordinates of Shen Mo and also members of the special situation group.
Yu Zhaohui looked down obscurely.
Fang Yu replied: "Your eyes ... are yellow."
(End of this chapter)
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