Chapter 658: Evil seed

Chapter 658 The Seed of Evil
"I see." Shen Mo nodded lightly. "Then, you and Du Lai are my first opponents to defeat."
Fu Miaoxue stared at him, speechless.
Cheng Weicai said: "Xiao Shen's idea is correct! Standing at the top of the power is happy, but it is only for a while. Such a world is distorted and unstable!
For everyone, for the whole world, we should work together to restore the world to its original state! Let everyone live a peaceful life! "
"Say what sounds great!" Fu Miaoxue sneered dismissively, "Speak so great, as if you have no selfishness at all, who believes ?! When you become the last king, maybe it will be more than us. ! "
She said, with a sharp eye, Bai Youwei lowered her head and suddenly passed her finger: "Look! I'm told! She's guilty!"
"..." Bai Youwei raised her head and said irritably, "... noisy, don't bother me!"
Shen Mo said indifferently: "You are right, as long as you are human, you will have selfishness. But I want to do this, not to save all mankind, nor for world peace. I just ... don't want to be tamed."
Fu Miaoxue was stunned.
Bai Youwei's head was buried lower.
Shen Mo said: "What do you think is a doll game? Formulate a series of rules and now come up with something called war. Let us try our best to kill each other and expose all the extreme aspects of human nature, just like one Only a little white mouse, subjected to various tests in the laboratory, the final meaning is nothing more than a string of data.
And this so-called labyrinth war may be the last experiment, the king is the result that the game wants to accept. "
Speaking of which, Shen Mo deliberately looked at Du Lai beside Fu Miaoxue.
"King, if you treat the world with the idea of ​​a game, even if you win, the game will win. Humans are still losers."
Du Lai frowned and didn't speak.
Teacher Cheng thought deeply and nodded heavily, "Yeah ... The game wants to turn us into monsters. If you want to win, you must let the will of the world return to human hands."
Teacher Cheng sighed and asked everyone: "Do you know the news that a college student bought fiercely a year ago?"
Everyone shook their heads.
There are too many daily news on the Internet, and the fact that students buy bad things is put in all kinds of ridiculous news, and it is just a humble little splash.
"I was assigned to work in that school for a period of time." Teacher Cheng said, "That is a middle school that can't be more ordinary. There are students with good grades and students with poor grades. Occasionally there are fights and fights, but all Within controllable range, only later ...
Later, a transfer student arrived at this school. The child had stayed in the youth management office. As soon as he arrived at the school, he became the boss of the campus. A series of rules were established for students. The amount of fines, many children are miserable, our teacher tried to intervene, but the results were not very effective. The whole school was maddened by him. The students could not study with peace of mind. Fights happened at any time. If you hit someone and saw blood, you would feel cool and powerful ...
Later, our teachers and principals made great efforts to contact the parents, the Academic Affairs Bureau and other departments, and finally sent the child away. I thought that the school environment would be improved, but there was no ... not at all.
The situation in the school is getting worse and worse. The rules of bullying the weak have not disappeared because of the departure of the transfer students.
The child ... he left the seeds of evil. "
(End of this chapter)
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