Chapter 668: Yi Tuo Bei

Chapter 668 Yi Tuo Bei
No wonder the system will provide them with a fishing boat from the beginning.
If the cave is the entrance to the labyrinth, this environment cannot be entered without a boat.
As the fishing boat approached the cave, the wind and waves gradually subsided, and the boat wobbled less severely.
The ship is slowing down.
Until entering the cave, the fishing boat stopped completely.
The outside is dark, although there are lights on the ship, but the scope of exposure is very limited, most of the cave is still in darkness, cold, quiet, and strange.
They do not know where the cave leads, nor how long the cave is, nor do they know whether there is danger in the cave.
"What should I do now?" Aron had no idea and looked at Ashalina with her eyes.
Asalina thought for a moment and got up to the cab.
After a while, she turned to look at everyone and said, "This ship seems to be ready for driving. I will try it."
From the moment of arriving at the starting point, how to sail the ship has been in their own hands.
The long cave seemed to have no end, and Asalina did not dare to accelerate easily, and could only move slowly along the tunnel.
There are no forks in the cave, and you ca n’t reach with your fingers. The two lights outside the ship are faint and dim, shining on the damp stone walls, and the color is dim.
Bai Youwei took out the flashlight from her bag and looked around, hoping to find some clues.
Unfortunately, she only saw gray rocks, stacked shellfish, and nothing else.
I have seen the similar scene too many times, and I will have the illusion that I have been spinning around.
When Bai Youwei hesitated whether to stop the boat, the front suddenly suddenly opened up! The boat left the cave and came to a wide water!
They are still in the cave, but the cave is much wider and wider than the cave just now, just like the hollow area formed by the mountain.
In front of them, there are seven identical caves!
"It's really a labyrinth." Asalina smiled ridiculously, sitting in the cab and said, "Either there is no fork, or you get seven forks as soon as you come. How do you choose?"
Bai Youwei asked: "Which one do you want to choose?"
"Or in the middle?" Asalina said. "If you can't get it, go back and try something else."
The labyrinth will not be this simple, but they seem to have no other way than to try now.
Bai Youwei nodded: "Then try the middle first."
Others have no opinions.
Asalina drove the ship past.
I thought they might encounter obstacles, such as entering a dead end, but I did not expect that this cave is like the first cave, and there is nothing in the cave.
Bai Youwei's flashlight swept up and down, only to see the immutable stone walls and shells.
Walk along the cave for three or five minutes, and the front is suddenly bright again!
They came to an open water again.
In front, there are seven caves!
"Fuck ..." Asalina was not in a mood to joke, scolding, "What the hell?"
"Big sister ..." Aron asked hesitantly. "Are we still choosing the hole?"
"How come it seems to be spinning around in place?" A Qing also felt unsteady. "Are these seven caves the same as the ones we just met?"
Asalina murmured in her heart. If that were the case, it would be too tricky.
She turned her head to look at Bai Youwei, "Or would you choose this time?"
Bai Youwei frowned, looking at the surrounding environment with concentration. The beam of the flashlight swept through a pile of shellfish, then swept back and stopped there.
"What's that?" She held a flashlight and looked at a pile of shells. "Who went to see?"
Asalina got up and glanced at her, "... shells? Scallops? This stuff is everywhere in this cave."
"But many of them are broken." Bai Youwei raised her eyebrows. "It looks like it was bitten by some animal."
(End of this chapter)
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