Chapter 675: I want water

Chapter 675 I want water
Calm and calm, no fish monsters appeared.
Everyone was relieved.
After entering the maze, the order of their holes is: middle hole, first hole, third hole. So as long as you step back again, you can return to the entrance position.
The fishing boat continued to retreat.
Keep going back, keep going back—
No matter how they retreated, it seemed that there was no end. Once they came out of the cave, they would still see the seven identical caves!
Except for those seven caves, they really had nowhere to go.
Although it didn't take long to enter the maze, the dark and humid environment was uncomfortable, the darkness was depressing, and the appearance of fish monsters increased the psychological load-the people on the ship were covered with a haze.
Anxiety and restlessness infect everyone.
Aqing's water bottle was empty. He pinched the empty water bottle and walked around on the deck. The plastic water bottle was crunched by him.
Asalina and Bai Youwei are discussing what to do next.
The noise made by A Qing made her uneasy, and she irritated, "A Qing! Can you stay in the boat room ?!"
A Qing looked back, scratching his head, and walked into the boat room.
Aron guarded by the wooden door of the bottom cabin, beware of the movement of the two mermaids below.
On the other side, Ashalina and Bai Youwei whispered:
"When we came in, we chose the middle hole, which is the fourth hole, and no fish monsters were encountered ... Does this mean that the fourth hole is the right way? If we still walk from the fourth hole this time, Is it safe to pass? "
"How likely do you think we happened to be right? One-seventh ... Now the three holes 1, 3, and 4 have been passed, and I think you can try other caves."
Asalina was not assured: "If you choose the wrong one, according to your guess, we will encounter three fish monsters."
Bai Youwei shook her head gently: "There is no difference, and the risk cannot be avoided anyway. Even if you go to the fourth cave now, you may encounter fish monsters, because we have not yet figured out the rules of the seven caves ..."
Not far away, Aron looked at Ashalina and then to Aqing in the boat room, hesitating for a moment, and shouted, "Sister, Aqing seems a bit wrong."
Asalina heard this and turned to look at the boat room.
A Qing is tossing their backpack inside. The backpack is filled with their usual items, short knives, lighters, moisture-proof pads, compressed biscuits and water.
He turned anxiously, not knowing what he was looking for, and everything in his backpack was messed up.
"Aqing!" Ashalina called him.
A Qing froze, looked up at her.
"What are you doing?" Asalina asked, frowning.
A Qing touched his neck, as if feeling a little uncomfortable, and said, "I, I am looking for water ..."
"Water?" Asalina was more suspicious and walked towards him. "Isn't the water in the bag? What's going on with your voice? How hoarse and hoarse ..."
She had just walked to the door of the boat room and saw a few empty water bottles on the ground, her feet stopped.
A Qing did not find the water, but drank up all the water she could find!
"Aqing ..." Ashalina looked at Aqing in surprise, "What the is wrong with you? You drink so much water ?!"
"I'm thirsty ..." A Qing's voice was so hoarse that he couldn't keep touching his neck, even breathing seemed difficult. "Sister, I'm so thirsty ..."
Asalina's complexion became extremely ugly.
Four full bottles of water! At least enough for the three of them to support for two days, A Qing actually drank all in just a few minutes! This is obviously not normal!
A Qing kept tumbling around in several bags, and said in a daze: "Water ... Water ... I want water ..."
(End of this chapter)
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