Chapter 700: Send something

Chapter 700 What to Send
White space.
One person, one ball stands in front of a cube.
Recently, the workload has dropped sharply, so the inspectors have been idle a lot. They stumbled upon a copy that had been closed for a long time and the player landed, so they looked at it curiously.
The comic man looked at what happened in the cube and whispered in a weird tone: "It gave her a pair of shoes."
The ball said: "Meaning of meaning ~ Anyway, it is not a prop, you don't need to worry about affecting the balance of the game."
The comic man hesitated: "Is it really going to affect? ​​Although it is just a pair of shoes, its attitude is obviously problematic ..."
The ball shook impatiently, "Oh ~ the system hasn't set the rules of attitude for us. Besides, don't you also look at some players differently? It's normal!"
The man in the comic hurriedly defended: "How could that be the same ?! Although I looked at them differently, I never sent anything ..."
"Are you giving less?" The ball yelled. "You not only gave shoes, you also sent 214 luxurious dresses! 349 jewelry! 102 gold and silver tableware! 78 weapons! Even the velvet quilt pillows were also She took away a lot, right? "
Comic man choking: "..."
The ball continued to watch the situation in the cube, and murmured: "It seems that it really looks at her, otherwise ... I will give something?"
Comic man: "..............."
Bai Youwei, who left the game, is on her way back.
The rain was pouring down, with the chill of autumn.
Fortunately, I wore shoes, otherwise I could only step back on muddy water. With this in mind, although this gift is not a prop, it is also practical.
After walking for five or six minutes, an off-road vehicle suddenly drove in front of the road.
Bai Youwei recognized that it was Shen Mo's car, but now that she was across the misty rain curtain, she couldn't see whether the man in the driver's seat was him ...
The car drove violently, and Bai Youwei gave way to the side of the road, and was inevitably splashed with mud spots.
Bai Youwei: "..."
If the person who got off is not Shen Mo, she must make the other party look good.
The door opened quickly, and Shen Mo grabbed her by the hand, frowned and asked, "Where did you go?"
Bai Youwei hesitated where to start.
At this time, Shen Mo saw her dirty skirt, her brow furrowed more, and asked, "How did this happen?"
She blurted and asked, "What do you think?"
Shen Mo: "..."
Silence for two seconds, pulled her into the car, closed the door, and then bypassed the head and returned to the driving position by himself-
The door closed with a loud bang.
In the small enclosed space, Bai Youwei only saw the wiper swaying in front of her eyes.
She remembered a very important thing and immediately turned to ask Shen Mo: "How come you haven't reacted at all ?!"
Should n’t she be shocked to see her leave the wheelchair and walk independently?
Shen Mo turned over the paper towel from the drawer in the car, wiped the rain on her face, and wiped the mud spots on her skirt. There was a little helplessness in the plain tone: "I watched it 800 times in the surveillance video."
Bai Youwei suddenly.
Electricity and internet were restored in the city, and traffic surveillance cameras could of course be used normally. No wonder she was found so quickly.
Bai Youwei continued to ask: "How did you feel when you watched it the first time?"
Shen Mo wiped the paper towel, squeezed the dough at will, and drew a few more paper towels to continue wiping.
"Height is a little taller than I thought." He answered.
Bai Youwei: "..."
What a sentimental answer.
"And ..." Shen Mo paused in his hand and looked up at her. "No imagination."
Bai Youwei was startled.
Shen Mo came closer, dropped a kiss on her forehead, and sighed: "I can't see you in the wheelchair, there is a feeling that you will run away at any time ... So, very uneasy."
(End of this chapter)
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