Chapter 720: Tomorrow Hotel Three

Chapter 720 Tomorrow Hotel Team Three
"Who is it?" Su Man and Zhu Shu almost spoke in unison.
Bai Youwei was slightly embarrassed: "... you guys whisper anyway."
Su Man immediately ran to the door, opened the door, looked around alertly, and turned back to compare with an "OK" gesture.
Zhu Shu asked Bai Youwei anxiously: "Wei Wei, who set the trap?"
Bai Youwei draws a circle on 202 and 402, two rooms.
Zhu Shu was stunned.
She painted on Room 402. She could understand that after all, Room 402 was the closest. When the accident happened, Room 402 hadn't opened the door. After the inspector questioned on the first floor, she only saw the guests in Room 402 slow down.
But why draw a circle on Room 202?
Bai Youwei slowly said: "There are 15 guests in the hotel, not counting you and Su Man. There are only three female guests. One is the deceased and the other is a middle-aged woman who lives in room 405. There is only one remaining and she lives in 202.
You said that the woman was stabbed several times, you ran out after hearing the scream, and then saw the body that fell in the pool of blood—
This is actually a bit unreasonable, when people are really stabbed, people can't scream. There are also messy blood stains, which show that you struggled very hard before you died, and then you will get the blood everywhere, but you have not heard any movement, then only one thing can be explained, when someone is in your house , Lay out outside, and then use the screams of the young woman to lead you out. "
Bai Youwei poked in Room 202, "Of course, the possibility of a male guest confusing you with false voices is not ruled out, but by far the suspect of 202 is obviously the biggest. She screamed on the fourth floor and then hid in Room 402 ... … Well, these two people should be associates, maybe 405 too. "
Bai Youwei simply circled 202, 402, and 405, thoughtfully:
"I can't figure out what their purpose is ... It should be related to the task. The number of guests is 15, five people in one team, that is to say, there are three teams in this hotel, so ... does it mean that this There are three different mission goals in the game? "
Zhu Shu suddenly realized: "Our goal is to find the murderer. The murderer's goal is naturally Sha people. There are five people left. Their goal is ... yes, against us?"
Bai Youwei nodded: "This is very likely. A against B, B against C, and C against A, restricting each other to form a balanced relationship, which is also consistent with the usual characteristics of doll games."
"But, how can we know who the murderer is in ABC?" Su Man looked at the two sisters in confusion, unable to keep up with the thought.
Zhu Shu smiled, "Su Man, as long as we know who is blocking us, the rest are the murderers!"
Su Man was in a trance.
Bai Youwei picked up the sketch he had drawn, tore it into pieces, and threw it into the paper basket.
"The problem of motivation has been solved. The remaining question is ... what does the text on the note mean? Why is Lu Yuwen's life left? And, who will be the next victim?"
The voice fell and everyone was silent.
No one knows who the next dead will be, nor what kind of conspiracy will happen when the next dead appears.
In silence, a clear bell came downstairs.
Zhu Shu and Su Man looked at the door subconsciously.
"It's a breakfast bell at nine o'clock. There are two meals in the morning and evening. All guests must go to the first floor to eat."
"So ... this is the only two chances I can see all the guests every day." Bai Youwei patted the skirt lightly and said lightly, "Come on, let's see what the is the ghost."
Supplement 1
(End of this chapter)
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