Chapter 736: The anxious man of tomorrow's hotel

Chapter 736 The Worrying Man of Tomorrow Hotel
Zhu Shu ’s mind turned quickly, and immediately understood Bai Youwei ’s meaning, thoughtfully:
A ’s goal is B, B ’s goal is C, and C ’s goal is A.
In this cycle, suppose we are C and the task is to pull out the murderer A, but in fact the real enemy is B who wants to kill us all behind the net ... "
Bai Youwei nodded and said, "Think about it, the 15-player game, a group of 5 people, now this situation, which group is the most beneficial?"
Zhu Shu thought for a while, his expression gradually dignified: "... It is Group B, because Group B eliminated 4 of us, as long as one more person is eliminated, Group B will win!"
"Yes." Bai Youwei said, "We are all attracted to Group A, but in fact, no matter how cruel, Group A only kills 1 person a day, and in the elimination rules of Group B, there seems to be no limit to the number of people. . "
Zhu Shu's complexion turned white: "A group shaved two people, group B harmed four of us, we ... we haven't been able to eliminate anyone in group A until now."
"Interesting ~" Bai Youwei smiled. "It turns out that this is a racing game. Whoever finishes his elimination task first will win first."
Zhu Shuwen said worry: "What should I do? Brother Yan is left with me alone. If we eliminate it again, we will lose ..."
"Don't worry, you can't lose." Bai Youwei raised her lips, "Although the people in Group B are clever, but don't forget, only when there are dead people in the hotel will Group B start to act."
If they want to plant Zhu Shu, new victims must appear in the hotel.
Thinking of this, Zhu Shu was calm.
"Let's take a look." Bai Youwei glanced at the door for a long time. "The next death notice should have appeared."
The death notice was posted in the restaurant.
A piece of blank paper with pencil writing:
【Garden-Four-Liang Hoarding-Liang-Liang Hui-Gu Tuan Wei-Liu-Picture Siege-Wai-Hou-Liang-Liang Yuan Garden Tuan Wai】
The inspector naturally saw it, and he was indignant: "The gangsters! Too unscrupulous! Even planning to continue to commit crimes! I want to interrogate everyone!"
After speaking, stride up the stairs and call someone.
Bai Youwei still took the pen and paper and silently copied down the text.
After copying, she held the paper and pondered for a while. Somehow, there was a smile in the corner of her mouth.
Zhu Shu asked: "Can you understand?"
"Hmm ~" Bai Youwei turned around and patted Zhu Shu's shoulder gently, whispering in her ear with a smile, "There will be a good show in a while, wait to see ~"
"... Good show?" Zhu Shu puzzled. "Is it dangerous?"
Bai Youwei narrowed her eyes: "Of course, but the people in danger are not us, but ... they."
From upstairs, people were successively brought down by the inspector.
Bai Youwei saw Robert.
"Zhu Shu, do you know that the one who is in anxiety is not only you, there is one person who is more anxious than you ... because he used to be a victorious player, but now he has lost his advantage, if he does n’t do anything, he really has to lose ... "
Zhu Shu gently frowned, and also looked at Robert who came to this side.
Robert had an advantage. He can kill these guests without knowing it, but some people have higher planting efficiency and more accurate calculations, and the gap between the two sides is widening--
If we use letters and fractions to describe it, it is like this:
Group A score 2;
Group B score 4;
Group C scored 0.
If A continues to act according to the original method and kills 1 more person, the score becomes 3, then Group B will also eliminate 1 person, score 5 and win.
Therefore, if Group A wants to compete to the end, it must reconsider the countermeasures.
(End of this chapter)
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