Chapter 760: Safari Allocation

Chapter 760 Allocation of Wildlife Park
Bai Youwei asked: "Ye Chong, have you ever been in touch?"
Everyone shook their heads.
An inch-sized young man said: "He has been to our training room and asked us who is the most powerful here. It is not as good as his ability to fight like him. I dare to ask so. It is estimated that there are powerful props in his hand."
"Sure," another dark-skinned youth said, "The whole base is spread all over. The gloves in his hands are very evil. Also, I heard that he was in the same field when he participated in the qualifiers. None of the players came out alive. "
These two people, one named Wu Mengan and the other named Zhang Yu, were selected by Shen Mo from the list provided by Chu Huaijin.
They have stayed in the evaluation group before, and later applied for the subjects, wanting to see what it is like to win the final world.
Although the strength of the two is not top, but the teamwork ability is very strong, after a month of concentrated training, it is almost the same as everyone.
Bai Youwei nodded: "So he is dependent, confident, conceited, and very aggressive. Such a person, when assigning animal roles to himself, will never allow himself to be at the bottom of the food chain. Either a bear. "
Bai Youwei picked up a darkened tree stick from the bonfire and randomly painted small animal patterns on the ground.
"Let's take a look at the order of the food chain.
Rats can eat elephants;
Cats can eat rats;
Foxes can eat cats and rats;
Wolfs can eat foxes, cats, and rats;
Leopards can eat wolves, foxes, cats and rats;
Lions can eat leopards, wolves, foxes, cats and rats;
Bears can eat lions, leopards, wolves, foxes, cats, and rats;
Elephants can eat bears, lions, leopards, wolves, foxes, and cats.
The strongest animals are bears and elephants. They can prey on 6 kinds of animals and have only one natural enemy.
The weakest animals are rats and cats. They can only prey on one animal and face six natural enemies at the same time.
According to the usual thinking, animals below the food chain are responsible for attracting enemies and assistance, and animals above the food chain are responsible for attacking and preying.
So, strong animals, I want to allocate to people with high attack power and high predation success rate; weak animals, I will assign to people with strong cooperation and high escape rate. "
Everyone listened in silence, without objection.
This arrangement is the most pragmatic and the most common.
Yu Zhaohui asked: "Who are you going to make a mouse?"
The mouse is the key.
If the mouse is eliminated, then the opponent ’s elephant will become invincible, and any animal can be eliminated, which will lead to the destruction of the entire team!
Bai Youwei was silent for a while, and said, "I'm going to be a mouse. There are too many natural enemies of mice, and they are easy to be preyed. Before they can figure out the action route of the other elephant's elephant, the mice can hardly move. This will cause manpower in the early stage Wasted, so I came to be a mouse ... "
She looked up at Ashalina: "For the same reason, before clarifying who the mouse is, the cat can't act rashly, Ashalina, your role is a cat, stay with me to cover me.
Shen Mo and Yu Zhaohui have the highest attack power. You are elephants and bears.
Aron, you are a lion.
Talking and laughing is a leopard.
Wu Mengan, Zhang Yu, you are wolves and foxes. "
Later, Bai Youwei operated on the watch, and the subjects successively received the message of the role assignment.
"Remember your role. Tomorrow you will work in groups of two. Seeing the opportunity to act." Bai Youwei operated while admonishing, "The scope of the activity should not exceed our own territory to prevent the other party from cheating and entice you into a trap."
At this time, Yu Zhaohui said: "Can the candidates for mice and cats be changed?"
Bai Youwei froze, looking at Yu Zhaohui.
Others also watched it.
No one expected that there would be subjects who challenged the king.
(End of this chapter)
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