Chapter 791: Safari balloon

Chapter 791 Safari Balloon
Ye Chong, Tian Li, Xiao Qi.
Bear, leopard, wolf.
Bai Youwei has always been afraid of Ye Chong, not only because of the other party's white gloves, but also because there are endless props inside the white gloves.
She looked at the three people in front of her, thought for only a second, turned and ran!
Ye Chonglen shouted, "Catch!"
Tian Li and Xiao Qi fought left and right to catch up with Bai Youwei! Bai Youwei jumped down the hillside and fled deep into the forest!
Although she has been improved three times through the maze, her legs and feet are weaker than ordinary people, and she is quickly caught up by Tian Li who is very fast!
"Don't run!" Tian Li fought hard at her and grabbed her by the shoulder!
Bai Youwei stopped suddenly, flicked her backhand, and the predator key on her wrist was attached to Tian Li's chest without bias!
Tian Li's eyes widened in amazement, before he could speak, the whole person disappeared instantly!
Xiao Qi, who followed, froze, staring blankly at Bai Youwei.
"Human instinct is really interesting ..." Bai Youwei smiled at him. "When I saw me running, I caught up with it without thinking, what kind of animal am I."
Xiao Qi looked pale and took a half step back.
Bai Youwei's mouth smiled.
"So, what the are you?" Ye Chong, like ghosts, came out from behind Bai Youwei and asked slowly, "... lion, bear, or elephant?"
Bai Youwei raised her eyebrows and slowly turned around vigilantly. Xiao Qi on one side and Ye Chong on the other side. She was blocked before and after.
In the distance there were footsteps hurriedly approaching, it was Yu Zhaohui and Along's voice coming.
Bai Youwei said quietly, "No matter what kind of me, do you think you still have the chance to win? You ... there are only two left."
Ye Chong sneered: "Even if I am left alone, I can only win."
He raised his hand and snapped his fingers.
Xiao Qi immediately appeared horrified, "No ... no, please don't ..."
Ye Chong didn't know what props were used, Xiao Qi's body began to swell! Like a balloon inflated, more and more drums! getting bigger!
Bai Youwei looked at this scene in disbelief. Rao thought of Ye Chong as a devil without evildoers, and never thought that he was cruel enough to make a living person into a prop!
"Don't get me wrong, this is actually a very good prop."
Ye Chong smiled and looked at Xiao Qi, who was swollen, and understated:
"Without any pain, it can be transformed into a balloon in a short time, and then flutter up and fly ... easily through a river, a mountain ..."
Of course, Xiao Qi couldn't fly. The forest was densely covered with trees. He was stuck in awkwardness, his clothes cracked, his skin was stretched to a very thin, shiny, and there were blue blood vessels under him.
Bai Youwei could not see Xiao Qi's head. He could only hear him crying and crying.
"Have you ever tried to find bugs for game props?" Ye Chong walked to Bai Youwei and said intimately in her ear, "If not, then you must try it, because it is very interesting ... not so much a bug, It ’s better to say that it ’s the added value that the game gives, such as this balloon, if you encounter a hot object, guess what will happen?

Bai Youwei's face changed slightly, she raised her wrist and hurriedly ordered: "Rewind! Retreat! Yu Zhaohui, Along, don't come over !!!"
Before she finished talking, she was strangled by Ye Chongdali and dragged away!
Ye Chong throws away at the same time! With Mars, with a sharp edge, flying towards the human balloon unstoppable!
Bai Youwei subconsciously closed her eyes!
--boom! ! !
A huge rage sounded through the forest, like blasting hundreds of hydrogen balloons! All bushes and bushes are burning!
Bai Youwei opened her eyes and only saw a sea of ​​fire in the distance!
(End of this chapter)
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