Chapter 793: Safari fish dead net broken

Chapter 793 Wild Animal Zoo
Ye Chong long looked at her.
He and his team members went through the bushes so many times, so many times, but no one had doubts. Every time he felt tired and sleepy, he would naturally think of the shortage of food and water.
Unexpectedly, he will plant on such props ...
I didn't expect that if there were so many people, I would be shamed one day. Thinking of this, Ye Chong's mouth twitched, trying to laugh.
He closed his eyes and asked Bai Youwei: "I don't have much strength now ... but I can't die in a while, why don't you just eliminate me? You are not afraid, do you have long night dreams?"
Bai Youwei sneered and straightened to stare at him, "I haven't thought about eliminating you from the beginning. I've been thinking about you!"
"Oh?" Ye Chong opened his eyes. "Why?"
Bai Youwei said, "The qualifiers are the ones you shamed? The average number of people in each qualifier is about 30. Assuming that each person holds 2 props, then as the only winning player, you have at least 60 props in your hand.
Without mentioning the jigsaw you obtained, I only count the number of items in your hand, can I not be afraid? Coupled with your unscrupulous style, I think I should have no reason to give you a chance to make a comeback. Letting you die here is the best result. "
Ye Chong laughed, with a faint smile, "You're right ... I have many props, now you have to push me into a desperate situation, are you afraid that I will break the net with you? You know, people with many props, usually Will keep behind. "
"Don't try to fool me." Bai Youwei smiled. "Your props are put into gloves. Even if you want to use them, the premise is that your hands can be turned over ..."
She smiled brightly in the corner of her mouth, and stepped on his hands fiercely. The rampant and vicious look was like a beautiful witch.
Ye Chongren stepped on, grinded, her look unchanged.
Life was passing by quickly. He closed his eyes and recalled his life. He was imprisoned because he committed a serious crime, and he escaped from the prison because of the alien world. Until today, everything that happened is like a dream ...
It's a beautiful dream. It feels so wonderful to finish the lives of others, even if it is his turn now, he still feels good.
For him, death is a poetic journey. And if this journey can be accompanied by someone, of course it can't be better.
Ye Chong said slowly: "You know, I can take things out of the glove according to my mind, then ... do you know, the glove can also store things ..."
Bai Youwei froze slightly, looking down subconsciously.
Ye Chong's hand was stomped on by her, and under the hand, I didn't know when to suppress the half-cut rope!
At the other end of the rope, Bai Youwei is tied to the hands behind her!
Bai Youwei inhales and turns to escape!
But late!
The huge suction dragged her down! The rope was sucked into the space in the white glove, and Bai Youwei's hand was also firmly absorbed in the palm of the white glove!
"Damn !!!" Bai Youwei scolded!
Ye Chonghao behind him laughed twice, as if contented, and no voice.
Bai Youwei struggled desperately, dragging Ye Chong's body forward, but his hands were still fixed on the white gloves!
"Asshole! Asshole! Asshole !!!" Bai Youwei is so angry that he can't break away anyway! Her strength is gradually losing, and the flowers will not only hurt Ye Chong, but also her!
Therefore, she repeatedly told the team members not to enter the north forest!
So she didn't attack once, and passively confronted every time!
Except for chatting and being caught, everything went according to her expectations, but now! Are you going to lose your life here? !
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!" Bai Youwei exclaimed angrily, "Yu Zhaohui! Along! Is anyone there? Is anyone else alive? !!!"
I was wrong ... Sure enough I couldn't finish it ...
(End of this chapter)
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