Chapter 812: Meet someone

Chapter 812 Meeting People
Leonid placed the stone between the two stone chambers.
The big rock touches the door, half in the front stone room and half in the back stone room.
In addition to this stone, Bai Youwei also sprinkled a pool of water on the ground specifically to see if the state of the stone room would change.
Everyone crossed the stone and entered the new stone room one after another.
The rock stayed quietly on the floor tiles without any change.
Bai Youwei flashed the pool of water he had just sprinkled with a flashlight, and the water stains were still there.
After waiting another seven or eight seconds, the water stains on the ground suddenly disappeared! Bai Youwei was shocked and looked at the rock immediately!
Only half of the rock is left!
The part at the other end disappeared! Just like being neat and tidy, now, only half of the rock is against the door!
Asalina couldn't help but take a breath. If it wasn't the stone that touched the door, but her, wouldn't it ...
Others' faces are also ugly.
If every stone room is in this state, how can they find the key? How to find the way?
Bai Youwei was as calm as ever, and said in a flat tone: "If every room has the function of teleportation, then there should be a fixed teleport point, or a set of teleport rules, otherwise no one can get out of the maze.
If it is not a teleportation, but a state reset, then there must be a way to prevent the stone room from resetting, otherwise every room is the same, and it is impossible to get out of the maze. "
"You mean, we missed some clues?" Shen Mo asked.
"Well, maybe." Bai Youwei said, "The maze can never leave the player a dead end ~"
Du Laiwen said: "However, we have repeatedly checked the stone room with frescoes, and there should be no clues ... If you can go back there, there may be something we did not notice."
"It's too late to go back now." Bai Youwei sighed. "No wonder this maze exposed us to the key points from the beginning. It turns out that it knows that we can't go back. Even if we can't find all 12 keys, it's a waste of effort to get back to the original point . "
After saying this, everyone could not help being discouraged.
It seems that it can only turn around like a headless fly, which is really a shock to people.
"Go on," Bai Youwei said, "we'll go south, try to reach the end."
Chen Hui whispered: "If it is an endless room, it would be too pit ..."
"Don't worry, it won't be endless." Bai Youwei turned to smile at her. "If the room is endless, then the Minotaur can never catch the player."
Therefore, the number of stone chambers must be limited.
Everyone rekindled their spirits and opened the south door again--
This time, just after the door opened, there was a horrified cry inside!
"Ah ah ah!……"
"Minotaur! Minotaur is coming !!!"
"It's coming! Minotaur is going to eat people !!!"
The screams were hysterical, the crash was crazy, and it was a human voice.
Shen Mo shone at them with a flashlight, these talents finally shut up, only with a pair of dry and muddy eyes, looking at Bai Youwei and his party behind the light and shadow.
Bai Youwei also looked at them.
These are three men curled up in the corner, skinny, unkempt, hair and beard as if they haven't taken care of them for a few months, the clothes are stained, black and red.
It looks so miserable, almost nothing like it, staring at the light of the flashlight at the moment, his eyes are dull.
Chen Hui was a little scared and asked Bai Youwei in a low voice: "Is it an NPC?"
"It doesn't look like it." Bai Youwei frowned, "And in the labyrinth, I've never encountered an NPC before."
The three people finally reacted, and one of them crawled and rolled in front of Bai Youwei and hurriedly explained: "We are humans! We are humans! Not NPCs! We can help you out!"
He said, raising three keys in his hand, "Just get 12 keys together! We can escape!"
Recently, the speed is slow, everyone may wish to save up ~
(End of this chapter)
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