Chapter 817: All misunderstood

Chapter 817 is a misunderstanding
Bai Youwei shook his pen and thought deeply: "The work and rest of these three people must be chaotic. They survive in the absence of light and have nothing to do. I guess they sleep most of the day ..."
"In addition to sleeping, there is really nothing to do." Shen Mo said lightly, "Unless they have the courage to step out of this stone room and go to the new stone room, but they do not, because they are afraid of Minotaur."
Bai Youwei sighed, "I still feel weird. According to them, they were attacked by Minotaurs at least 17 or 8 times, but they also said that the player walked a few squares, and the Minotaur walked a few squares. ... it's impossible to think about it. "
Shen Mo picked up the paper in front of her and looked at it.
She drew some squares, seeming to simulate the walking path just now.
"Don't read it, this is not correct." Bai Youwei said, "At least one of the rooms we walked by just happened to have a space jump, and it is impossible to determine the position of the displacement.
Shen Mo pondered: "You need to find a way to mark these rooms, otherwise, if you open the door indiscriminately, you will meet Minotaur sooner or later. I will go out and explain to you, brainstorming to see if you can figure out a way."
"Okay ..." Bai Youwei sighed and lay down lazily. "I'll take a break ..."
Darkness sometimes makes people nervous and nervous, but sometimes it makes people relax and wants to rest.
In a short time, everyone couldn't think of a good idea. Bai Youwei didn't make any progress on this side. On this day, she decided to stay and temporarily rest in this stone room.
At night, everyone's mental state was at its extreme. Everyone took a break, and Shen Mo arranged his rotation and took turns vigil.
Bai Youwei was wrapped in a blanket and warmed in Shen Mo's arms. The tent was warm because the two were snuggling. There was an indescribable warmth and ease.
Later, the light outside disappeared.
Then Leonard's complaint sounded: "These batteries are too useless ..."
Leonid walked back in the dark, his voice murmured, and he seemed to be turning over to take the battery.
Bai Youwei in the tent asked Shen Mo softly, "Leonide vigil?"
"Huh." Shen Mo replied, "Stop at 12 o'clock for Ashalina, at 2 o'clock then for Du Lai ... 4 o'clock for me."
"It's too hard." Bai Youwei leaned on him and said sullenly, "If you can enter the doll house, you don't need a vigil ..."
After thinking for a while, she suggested: "Shall we both sneak in?"
Anyway, the two of them were in the tent, and even if they entered the doll house, the people outside the tent would not know.
But Shen Mo disagreed, "If something goes wrong, we are in the doll's house and we can't notice anything."
His voice just fell, just like the scene, and there was a scream outside the tent!
Bai Youwei was startled!
Only listen to Chen Hui loudly said: "What are you going to do? Get out! Get out !!!"
Shen Mo immediately rushed out of the tent!
Leonid outside also caught the night attackers first! Drinking: "What did you want to do?"
Everyone was awake.
A few beams of flashlight struck the thin and pale man, and he shivered and dared not move.
Chen Hui was standing beside him, his face in shock.
Bai Youwei walked out of the tent, frowned, and asked, "What's going on?"
"Misunderstanding ... all misunderstandings!" Mark and Dylan rushed over to get Slade on the ground. "He must have dreamed again, yes ... yes, yes, it was a dream! Normally, he often confuses dreams and reality. He did n’t mean to scare you, please do n’t get me wrong! "
Bai Youwei frowned and turned to ask Chen Hui directly: "Chen Hui, what are you talking about?"
(End of this chapter)
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