Chapter 820: Three chickens

Chapter 820 Three Chickens
Mark was choked.
Of course he never used live chickens to try, but they used other things to try.
"We've thrown a lot of things into these rooms, clothes, socks, torn nails, pulled hair ... and tried unusable props! All have disappeared! Unless there are living people in the room, anything Nothing can be retained. "
Mark looked at the bamboo basket with pity, "What a pity if these chickens are gone ..."
Bai Youwei smiled and said: "You just said that living people are fine, these chickens are also alive."
"But the chicken is yours ..." Mark was anxious and even started to make gestures. "You have to be in the same stone room as the chicken, otherwise your chicken will disappear!"
Bai Youwei shrugged indifferently, "These chickens are not mine."
Mark froze, "Ah ..."
"Accurately ... These chickens should belong to themselves." Bai Youwei smiled. "'The Lordless" is a concept you have summarized, not the rules that the maze clearly exists. Since they are all playing concepts. , Let ’s play more advanced. Each life is an independent individual, and no life belongs to another life. Therefore, if a living person is not erased, then a live chicken should not be erased. "
She put down the bamboo basket, picked a chicken from the inside, tied a chicken paw with cotton thread, and walked to a door and said, "Open the door."
Du Lai, who was standing nearby, opened the door and it was dark inside.
Still the same stone room.
Bai Youwei threw the chicken inside, and everyone else came around, observing the condition of the chicken in the stone room over there with a flashlight.
The chick tweeted, as if calling for a companion, his tender yellow paws trembling gently.
The environment of the stone room was too cold for it.
It's a bit cruel, but there is no way. It's like when a tomb thief digs a burrow and puts a sparrow or a cat in it, all for life.
The chick chirped in the stone room for about a minute and did not disappear.
Bai Youwei picked up the cotton thread, pulled it back bit by bit, and put it back into the bamboo basket.
"Which door is this?" She asked Shen Mo.
Shen Mo looked down at the compass, "It's the South Gate."
"Then take three more chickens and try the stone room behind the three doors in the east, west and north." Bai Youwei explained to everyone, "Remember to tie the cotton thread, don't let the chicken break free, otherwise you have to go in and catch the chicken-enter One room is equivalent to moving the tauren to a room, so be careful. "
Du Lai, Chen Hui, and Leonid each took a chick, tied a cotton thread, and threw them into the rooms in the east, west, and north doors.
I do n’t know if it was their luck, every chicken did n’t disappear, so I screamed in the stone room.
Bai Youwei decided to go south. She wanted to find out how many of these identical stone chambers are and where they are at the end.
She led the man into the stone room to the south, and Mark, Dylan and Slade followed quickly, lest they be left behind.
Arriving in the new stone room, Bai Youwei once again performed the trick again, released the chick, and tried out the situation in the three rooms.
But this time, the chick disappeared in the stone room behind the east door.
Together with the thread on the claws also disappeared.
"It seems that this stone room is a transmission point. I just don't know if the transmission position is fixed ..." Bai Youwei grabbed a handful of millet from the bag and threw it into the east stone room. After a few seconds, Xiaomi also disappeared.
"At this temperature, the chick may not live long." Shen Mo reminded her.
Bai Youwei thought about it and turned to ask Mark: "Hey, you said before, the living man is fine in the stone chamber, what about the dead man? Will the dead man disappear?"
She didn't distress the chicken, but worried that the chicken would disappear directly after death. By then, she wouldn't even leave the root hair, so she couldn't judge the position of the stone chamber after jumping.
(End of this chapter)
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