Chapter 863: Du Lai's dream

Chapter 863 Du Lai's Dream
"I have tried many ways ... I deliberately interrupted the teacher ’s words in the classroom, torn my homework and papers, and threw my schoolmates’ schoolbags. Go out of school, or invite parents, whatever you want, I just want to see if I can leave the school— "
Chen Hui bit her lip, lowered her head, her voice became more dull: "But no ... I was just taken to the instructor's office and received a training session. When the bell of the fourth class rang, I returned to the classroom. Sitting in my seat, pushing my arm at the same table, asking me how dare to sleep in the class teacher's class ... everything, back to the original point. "
Bai Youwei listened and pondered, Chen Hui's description, like a strict and seamless story line, ending in front and back, forming a closed circle.
If the people in the circle want to come up, they must break the cycle, just like Chen Hui did, tear the papers, quarrel with the security guard, in short, what to do, and do not let the story line continue as it was.
Bai Youwei asked: "How did you finally get out of the maze?"
Chen Hui closed her eyes and replied: "I jumped from the top of the school building and jumped down ..."
Bai Youwei was slightly shocked.
Before she asked anything, Du Lai's voice came from behind—
"me too."
She looked back and saw Du Lai leaning against the door, the lenient sick suit hung on the thin body, empty, all without the vitality and shrewdness of the weekdays.
"My dream, on a luxury cruise ship." Du said, "I am a magician on a boat. I perform magic shows twice a day in the morning and evening. It was a relatively quiet time in my life. After getting off the boat, I was very familiar with everything on the boat. Probably because of this, the dream created by Labyrinth No. 1 for me, the scene is that boat. "
Bai Youwei asked: "How long have you been suspicious of dreaming after you entered?"
"I was suspicious when I first entered," Du Lai explained lightly. "The actors on board sometimes that ... psychedelic
agent, if the dose is appropriate, it is legal abroad. At that time, I was all dizzy and together. The acting colleague asked me if I was over-sucking, but I knew all this was fake because there was no Miao Xue. "
Bai Youwei looked at him, "Even if you know it's fake, you need courage and courage to complete your self. After all, you didn't know at the time. After you die, will you die outside."
Everyone has an instinct to survive. How can they find a way to die if they have no way to go?
"That's why I'm stuck in it for so many days ..." Du Cui laughed and sighed, then said, "I tried almost everything I could think of, but it didn't work, no matter what I did ... I still I deliberately caused a fire and tried to burn the boat, but it was discovered that they tied me up, greeted me with a knife, a knife stabbed into the heart, but I did not die ... As soon as I opened my eyes, I went back to the staff's lounge, colleague Ask me if I'm sucking too much, and just tell your dreams. "
Bai Youwei was a little surprised: "Have you ever died in a dream?"
Du Lai nodded, "I have died a few times. The boss who can run this business is not clean in his hands. There are thugs on the ship who deal specifically with disobedient staff like me."
Bai Youwei thought for a while, "So can it be understood that only when the player himself seeks relief can he come out of the dream, and if the player is killed by the person in the dream, it has no effect, and the dream will return to its original point. "
"If you only consider the situation of me and Chen Hui, it is indeed true." Du Lai said to Bai Youwei, "Understanding this, there is no danger in the maze of No. 1, you just have to go in and tell Fu Miaoxue about these situations Jumping high, you can get rid of the dream. "
(End of this chapter)
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