Chapter 87: Suddenly wake up

Chapter 87 Suddenly Awake
Bai Youwei dropped the towel and hurriedly left the bathroom in a wheelchair.
Shen Mo is no longer outside the door.
He jumped directly! At the moment, people were on the first floor, and they just got rid of the chat from the koi pond in the hotel lobby!
There is a pool on the side of the hotel lobby, where there are more than a dozen koi carp, and they are fishing and playing beside the pool when they are bored.
The depth of the pool is only the calf!
"This place is haunted by water ghosts!" The chatter was soaked in dampness and shouted, "There are water ghosts pulling me into the water! Let's go!"
"Not a water ghost!" Teacher Cheng on the side shouted clearly and shouted palely, "It's a doll, the doll comes out of your reflection!"
Shen Mowen's face immediately changed and turned his head to look upstairs. I saw Bai Youwei behind him and I don't know when there will be another figure!
Looking closer, it is a doll! He is stretching his hands close to Bai Youwei like a stiff body!
"Bai Youwei!" Shen Mo shouted, "Jump down!"
As long as Shen Mo's face changed greatly, Bai Youwei noticed that it was wrong, but! ... Bastard! How does she jump? ! Isn't she okay even with strength? !
Bai Youwei didn't look back. She propped up her hands and shifted her focus.
She fell over her body and fell directly from the second floor—
There was a clatter in her ears, and it was her wheelchair that fell over and fell.
She quickly closed her eyes, fell down, and panicked, wondering whether she would fall first or be hit by a wheelchair first.
A big hand clasped her waist, her body fell sharply due to inertia, and was steadily pulled up by that hand, and then shook a half circle in the air-she felt dizzy, opened her eyes, and saw Shen Mo holding with one hand Holding her, the other hand held the ladder bar.
She looked at him in his arms. At this angle, the profile of his profile was handsome and firm, his eyes were cold, his thin lips squeezed into a line, and the strong force of heroism was hidden in seriousness and restraint.
The background is dizzy, and this scene is really eye-catching.
There was a loud noise.
Bai Youwei seemed to wake up.
Turning his head to see, the wheelchair has fallen to the ground, lying on the ground on its side, the two wheels twisted and twisted, and the shaft reflected the cool white metal light.
The dolls upstairs are missing.
"Let's go out." Teacher Cheng lifted the wheelchair in fear and looked around himself, only to feel that it was not safe anywhere.
Shen Mo's voice was calm: "Pay attention to your side when you go out, and don't approach mirror objects."
-Mirror objects, including mirrors, glass, water surface, and any objects that can illuminate the image.
For a time, everyone felt dangerous even the porcelain tiles under their feet!
They hurriedly exited the hotel.
In the labyrinth passage, Shen Mo put Bai Youwei on the wheelchair and checked up and down. Although the mantle was a little embarrassed, she was lucky to be able to sit here intact.
"If the doll in the mirror is the difficulty created by the game for us, will the export be in the most concentrated place in the mirror?" Shen Mosi thought.
Bai Youwei shook her head gently, "The most concentrated place of the mirror is in the center of the labyrinth. The exit and the starting point cannot coincide, which is too cheating."
After a pause, she added: "I think the puppet in the mirror should be a clue, or a hint."
She turned her head and asked, "Did you think your reflection was different when you fished?"
The chatter was stunned, "I didn't pay attention ..."
"Why, there is something wrong with your doll?" Shen Mo asked Bai Youwei.
"It's not easy to say." Bai Youwei thought for a while, "... anyway, if you have a chance, it's best to take a closer look at yourself in the mirror. Of course, for safety's sake, someone around you will follow."
Everyone looked at each other, and at the end, all nodded.
(End of this chapter)
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