Chapter 879: Dream 10

Chapter 879 Dream 10
"Oh, that's Eureka and Mela's cage." Fu Miaoxue replied.
"Eureka ... Mela?" Bai Youwei asked doubtfully, "Who is that?"
"Did I not tell you? They are the two African leopards I raised. They were cute when they were young. They grew up with a bad smell, so they moved to the room at the end of the second floor."
Fu Miaoxue came out of the cloakroom and changed into a lake and blue dress.
She is fair-skinned, and she looks very smart and beautiful in such fresh colors.
"How is it?" She turned around in a circle, and Xiao Yingying asked Bai Youwei, "I'm in a good mood today. It is appropriate to wear this suit."
Good mood?
Bai Youwei's heart was sullen.
In the middle of the night, I was robbed at home, almost killed by being held hostage, and witnessed the headshot scene. Now that my future boyfriend is still in a cage, she actually said she was in a good mood?
Compared with Fu Miaoxue, Bai Youwei feels that she really can be regarded as a virtuous person.
It's probably that the expression on Bai Youwei's face is not right. Fu Miaoxue frowned slightly, "What's wrong? Is this skirt not good-looking?"
"It looks good." Bai Youwei glanced perfunctoryly, and said, "I was just thinking, how do you handle him when you raise him in his room? Surely it smells strange?"
Fu Miaoxue's eyes widened: "Have you never raised a dog? If you defecate in the house, you must have a punishment ~ Only when walking the dog can you defecate!"
Bai Youwei's mouth twitched, looking at Fu Miaoxue in a mixed mood: "You ... Want to walk him? Take him to the toilet?"
"Of course this kind of thing is done by a servant. Don't worry." Fu Miaoxue smiled and walked to the cage to admire his new pet. "Good dog, I'm going to have breakfast. You must be good."
Du Lai closed his eyes tightly, motionless.
Fu Miaoxue didn't care, turned around, patted Bai Youwei's shoulder, smiled and said, "Come on, friend, it's time for breakfast."
Bai Youwei took a last look at the cage and then followed Fu Miaoxue and left the room together.
Fu Miaoxue's work schedule is very regular.
Bai Youwei doesn't know whether she has always been so regular, or whether she has been forced to become regular by her tutor recently.
Get up at 6:30, eat at 7:30, then have an hour and a half of free time, and start class at 9:30.
After having breakfast, Fu Miaoxue picked some food from the dining table and returned to the house to feed the dog.
She was full of enthusiasm, but Du Lai was not sympathetic, and her face was somber on the golden iron, and asked her, "Where is my companion?"
Fu Miaoxue took the spoon and tapped the bowl gently. "After breakfast, I will tell you."
Du Lai gave her a disgusted look, "I eat it myself."
"No, you can't." Fu Miaoxue smiled and said, "A good pet will only eat the food the owner feeds, and don't touch any other food, okay?"
Du Lai didn't understand it, but he understood that there was no benefit for him to fight against the Miss Fu family.
He could only swallow his mouth, swallowing spoonfuls of nut oatmeal fed by Fu Miaoxue.
Fu Miaoxue said while feeding: "Your companions, just shut in last night, almost all of them have recruited. You few of you want to steal a top secret file collected by my grandpa In the treasure room, you may also feel that you have stolen a few pieces of antiques, and you will have enough to eat and drink in your next life.
Fu Miaoxue said, smiled, and gave Du a spoonful of oats, asking: "I'm a little curious, why didn't you go to the room at the end of the second floor?"
Du Lai replied indifferently: "We have studied the structure of the manor for a long time. That room cannot be the location of the treasure room. You said that deliberately because you wanted to lead me over and see me suffer.
The real treasure room must be in the study, where it is the most likely place. "
Fu Miaoxue smiled: "Don't say so ruthlessly, I'm saving you, otherwise you think, you have stolen my grandfather's things, and will not be killed after you give them to the master messenger behind the scene?
Where is the monthly ticket ~
(End of this chapter)
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