Chapter 900: Chinese Room 7

Chapter 900 Chinese Room 7
"... Choose D?" He looked at the door handle in his hand.
Just twist gently to reveal the answer.
B, or D?
He shook the door handle, his palm was soaked.
In the last round, the teammate died because of choosing B, so in this round, he really didn't want to choose B ...
Choose D, don't hesitate, open that door! Even if it is eliminated, it is not a loss! As long as the kings are kept up, they will still be the winners!
Encouraging himself in his heart, and working hard at the same time, he opened the door to answer D--
A bright red block the view.
He looked down confusedly, only to see more blood spewing out, and then turned around, with a bang, he fell to the ground.
There was silence all around.
No one speaks.
Bai Youwei covered her nose, her blood was too strong ...
"Ah ~" The clown drove around the corpse on a unicycle, and the wheels squeaked. "It's a shame! Two more people were eliminated. Couldn't any one choose the right one?"
Of the five people who entered, two were dead, and there were three opportunities for questions.
The atmosphere is dead.
I thought there would be no questions for a long time this time. Unexpectedly, the young man beside Hans took the initiative to say: "I will come this time."
Bai Youwei looked at him with surprise.
Hans was also surprised, "Morin, did you think about it?"
"Well." The man who was praised as the bravest by Hans nodded and looked at the doors calmly. "I've already figured out what to ask."
Hans asked him: "What are you going to ask later?"
Morin pursed his lips, silenced for a moment, and replied: "When I ask, you will know what it is."
After he had finished speaking, he no longer hesitated and went straight to the computer.
The clown stretched his neck curiously and looked around.
Morin entered the problem on the computer:
[What fruit does Mo Lin like to eat? 】
Hans's face changed greatly, "Morin ?! You ask this question! Do you want to kill everyone ?! What do you think?"
"What do I think? ... Hans, of course I'm trying to keep your chance of promotion." Morin looked down gloomyly and explained in a low voice, "Now there's Dim and Brel in it. Oh, he must know what fruit I love ... "
"But what if it wasn't Brel? What if it was Dim ?!" Hans shouted out of control, "You will indirectly kill Dim!"
Morin's tone is very calm: "Our death is not a sacrifice. If the person who died is Dim, then the next one is likely to be Brel. Hans, then you only need to ask questions related to Brel and you will be able Promote. "
Hans froze, staring at him froze.
During the conversation between the two, two minutes passed quickly.
Two answers appeared again on the five doors:
[A: An apple a day keeps you away from the doctor. 】
[B: Oranges and bananas are pretty good, I ca n’t remember which one I like best. 】
[C: Moline likes mangoes the most, but allergies should not be eaten. 】
[D: Mo Lin likes strawberries, no one does not love strawberries! 】
[E: I do n’t know, it seems to be a cantaloupe. 】
Morin's eyes suddenly turned red.
"Choosing C!" He walked quickly to the door, almost without hesitation, suddenly opened the door, "Brel!"
He is so lucky! The door opened, and the man inside was Blair!
Moline hugged him excitedly?
Hans breathed a sigh of relief, walked over and patted the backs of the two, "It's okay ... As long as I ask another question, the game in the theater A will be over."
"Dim is inside, what are you going to ask?" Moline asked him.
Hans was silent for a while, looking at Bai Youwei not far away, calmly said: "Let her ask first."
(End of this chapter)
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