Chapter 919: Werewolf Village 15

Chapter 919 Werewolf Village 15
Werewolves can be sha dead, but no one has ever been sha dead.
Because it is so powerful and so terrifying, how could anyone be against it?
The villagers came out one by one from their homes, gathered around the corpse, and discussed the restless night.
Such a major event will naturally be notified to the village head.
When the village chief arrived, he immediately exaggerated and exclaimed: "This is the real warrior! Our village has been saved! There are warriors here, everyone no longer has to fear the werewolf!"
There was a lot of discussion and praise, but there was more shock. They did not expect that Shen Mo could defeat the werewolf with half of his physical strength.
Bai Youwei stood in the crowd and observed everyone with a cold eye.
She is looking for, who the villager who became the werewolf last night ...
She saw Hans and Blair.
The two's faces were extremely poor, especially Blair, even if there was a certain distance, Bai Youwei could see that his body was trembling slightly.
……There is one less.
What about Mo Lin?
She retracted her gaze and looked back at the werewolf corpse on the ground.
A thought flashed in Bai Youwei's mind, she was stunned for a moment, seeming unbelievable, and looked at Hans again!
Will it be what she thought? ... So, when did Hans find out?
Hans sensed her gaze, turned her head and looked up, frowning immediately, then avoided Bai Youwei's gaze, lowering her head to say something to Blair next to her.
The two turned around and appeared to be planning to leave the crowd.
Bai Youwei narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at the backs of the two men. After thinking for a while, she suddenly raised her voice and said, "Village chief! What should we do with the werewolf's body? It can't always be here?"
The footsteps of Hans and Blair really stopped.
Most of the conjecture in Bai Youwei's heart was confirmed.
The village head replied: "Of course we have to move to the square and burn it."
"Is it just burned?" Bai Youwei said slowly, "If it attacked another villager last night, it must be another tragedy. In my opinion, it must be frustrated and broken, so that you can get rid of it."
The villagers echoed: "Yes! Frustrated! Ashes broken! Ten thousand corpses! The werewolves are not going to die!"
"I think the werewolf's fur is good, it's better to peel off and make clothes." Bai Youwei said again.
Blair turned around angrily.
Hans clenched his arm tightly, whispering to persuade him.
Bai Youwei's eyes passed through the crowd and stared straight at them, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth:
"However ... it's definitely smelly to make clothes, it's better to hang it and hang it on the square to expose the public, so that the werewolf's companions know what will happen if they do something wrong ..."
The villagers said: "That's right! It should be hung up and peeled and cramped!"
Blair's eyes were crimson, and blue muscles on his neck burst! Staring at Bai Youwei fiercely, her teeth creaked, as if she wished to crush her!
Bai Youwei's smile grew more and more wanton, "This wolf is too stupid to die, and its companion is probably a stupid ..."
"Aoao Aoao !!!" Brear made a roar from the throat, and then the whole person rushed to Bai Youwei!
Bai Youwei hides in anxiety behind the village head and shouts, "Catch him! He is going to become a werewolf !!!"
The village chief fell to the ground by Blair and yelled in horror!
Blair didn't turn into a werewolf, but his appearance at the moment was not much better than a werewolf! The pupil of the eye is completely tapered, the fangs are protruding, and the coarse wolf hair grows at the neck! Even the figure has risen a lot!
The villagers swarmed and grabbed Brel from the village head!
"Burn him !!! He is the werewolf tonight, burn him !!!"
Not far away, Hans retreated from the crowd, staring coldly at Bai Youwei in confusion ...
Remember to vote, continuous voting can participate in the Spring Festival activities, as for the activities, oh ~ I will sleep before I talk about this ~
(End of this chapter)
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