Chapter 963: What is the wish

Chapter 963 What is the wish
The rules of the game sound simple, nothing more than stab the opponent's chest, abdomen, right arm, left arm, right leg and left leg with the sword.
If stabbed, the opponent is injured and even died;
If it is not stabbed, the opponent's shield increases by one, increasing the chance of survival in the next round.
Although you can understand it, Bai Youwei still feels wrong in many places.
For example, if the two parties stab each other, there should always be a sequence. Who will stab first? Who backstab? The rules are not mentioned at all.
In addition, the chest, abdomen, right arm, left arm, right leg, and left leg, except for the chest, will not be life-threatening even if injured, as long as the chest is protected, even if the remaining five parts are stabbed What can I do? It is impossible to kill the other party.
In addition, if both sides happen to stab the shield, the shield will automatically increase in the second round, and it happens to stab the shield again. This continues to increase, and eventually all body parts of the two sides are blocked.
Although the probability of this situation is not large, it can happen.
Unfortunately, the rules are introduced so far, the system has no more explanation.
Bai Youwei sat quietly on the ruby ​​throne, concentrating and thinking, her eyes fell on the scabbard in front of her ...
Sword sheath ...
Why not have a sword ...
Come in early, there are still some benefits, these rules are enough for her to ponder for a while.
Willard may have the same idea as her, and he arrived early.
And brought many subjects.
To what extent?
Densely occupying half of the battlefield, gathered behind Verad.
Bai Youwei counted, 10, 20, 30 ... 40 ... Well, a total of 45.
In less than twenty-four hours, she could not even recruit one, but Willard recruited 45 subjects, a disparity of such a large number ...
Bai Youwei thought about it, probably understood.
The fewer people, the more difficult it is to recruit new subjects, and the larger the number, the easier it is to recruit.
Because of the principle of risk sharing.
Willard recruited a group of subjects about this time, and then released the sound of winning by number. Many people who want to take a slice of the soup naturally want to participate.
It's like betting on horses. The more bets a horse has, the more people will bet.
Because it feels like a big win.
Bai Youwei rubbed the rabbit in her arms slowly and began to feel a little tricky ...
No matter how many props she had, if these 45 subjects swarmed up, they would certainly be unable to carry them.
Fortunately, there is no panic right now, because there is only one sword, and the role of subjects in the game is temporarily unknown ...
The opposite Verad sat on the throne, silent for a long time, and the subjects behind him were motionless.
Bai Youwei speculates that they should be listening to the rules now.
Sure enough, Willard smiled a moment later, and his hoarse voice expressed joy: "... This is the game."
His burns were severe. His exposed skin was almost entirely covered with white bandages, leaving only the jaw and lips.
Bai Youwei feels that she still has an advantage, at least in good health, she is definitely superior to Verad.
Verad glanced at the wheelchair next to Bai Youwei, then looked at Bai Youwei, and his voice sounded like dry wood rubbing: "We met again, it was a pleasant surprise."
Bai Youwei stared at his unbearable face and said nothing.
"What about your subjects?" Willard asked with a smile. "Why, are you here to surrender? ... As far as I know, the right to surrender can only be exercised before the decisive battle."
Bai Youwei looked at him calmly and asked, "You and I all know that this is the last game. Let's talk about it. If you win, what is your wish?"
I heard ... many of you are going to start online classes tomorrow, ah everyone, come on hahahahahahahaha! ! !
(End of this chapter)
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