Chapter 967: Want you to win

Chapter 967 wants you to win
Shen Mo ignored her at all, but looked at the youngest Pan Xiaoxin and asked, "Are you afraid?"
Pan Xiaoxin's young face was tight.
He is young and has never been in a game alone. If he is not afraid, it must be fake, but he still shook his head vigorously and analyzed as reasonably as possible:
"If we don't grab the sword, Sister Weiwei will die! As long as the game type is not fighting, even if I am alone ... I, I will do my best!"
"I'm not afraid!" The chatter paused, and the voice was weak for three points. "As long as it's not wit ..."
Shen Mo was calm. Indeed, winning or losing is not about the number of people, but whether the type of game is good for oneself.
He looked up and looked at the inspector: "What are the six remnants of the game you are talking about?"
"The specific type cannot be revealed, but you can see the characteristic dimensions of the game." The gentleman of the rabbit gently waved his hand, and the light beams were dotted, showing a simple dimension map.
There are three main categories: physical fitness, intelligence, and spirit.
Shen Mo was disappointed to find that these six games have high physical and intellectual requirements. No wonder the inspector will let them look at the dimension map generously, because no matter how they look, these are six very difficult games.
Pan Xiaoxin chose the game with the lowest "physical fitness" requirements.
There are five remaining, and the difference is not that great. Shen Mo couldn't figure out the difficulty of the "spirit" item, so Tan Xiao chose the game with the lowest "spirit" requirements.
After that, he and Teacher Cheng also quickly made a choice.
Bai Youwei was very sad when she watched them choose games. Her nose was sour and astringent, and her eyes were red.
She really doesn't want to see everyone like this.
The Ombudsman asked Willard: "What about you, the six remaining games, how do you plan to arrange them?"
Willard smiled casually and replied: "There is no opponent's game, of course, there is no need to waste manpower. Going to 2 people is enough to deal with. The elderly and children don't need to care too much, just split 3 people. ... "
His gaze wandered between Shen Mo and talk and laugh, with a grin in his eyes. "10 people, 25 people. If these people can lose in the face of an opponent, then it is not a pity to die."
The last sentence is obviously to his subjects.
Tan Xiao pointed at Verad and said, "Fortunately, you have a vision, knowing that I am a great brother, I have arranged 10 opponents for me."
Willard sneered and looked at the Ombudsman with disapproval: "The staff is ready, can we start now?"
The corner of his mouth raised, "I ... can't wait any longer."
Gentleman Rabbit: "If both parties agree, the decisive battle can begin immediately."
Bai Youwei lowered her head and finally couldn't hold back her tears.
She hated this beginning.
She hates herself!
Why use the lives of the people you care about most to win or lose? !
Tears kept falling, and my vision was blurred.
Shen Mo picked up her face and wiped the tears off her cheeks.
His forehead rested on her, warm breaths lingering on each other, for a long time, he only said a word:
"Wait for us to come back."
"Don't ..." Bai Youwei hugged his arm in a choked throat, and the tears were wet, "We are better off ..."
She was timid and she flinched.
Don't bear the worst consequences!
"Can't count." Shen Mo took her hand. "Weiwei, I want you to win. We all want you to win. Do you understand?"
Bai Youwei closed her eyes and nodded fiercely.
"Okay ... you just understand." Shen Mo was also sad and bowed her head to kiss her. "Don't let me say goodbye, because I will definitely come back, so don't say it, you know?"
She took a deep breath and suppressed the surging tears, "Okay, don't say ... we don't even say."
(End of this chapter)
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