Chapter 1082: Always at 1 (the finale)

Intelligent life will find its own development direction. They have enough courage, faith to face all challenges, and nightmare will fight back from now on. But is it better for them to jump out one by one or together? Thea thinks that the former is more reasonable. It is better to block up, contradictions, conspiracies, and interests entanglements in the first place. It is better to suppress it with extraordinary strength.
The superheroes all evacuated from the dark multiverse, and Thea began to fully control the tower of the Fufu Tower, and finally made the two multivariate frequencies consistent.
The fusion of the universe has begun, and the connection between the dark multiverse and the main plural is no longer based on those people or nightmares, but is truly fused and becomes a dark side of the main plural.
"It looks like it will last a long time?" Diana put away her weapon, returned to the ground, and stood next to Thea asking.
"Yeah, I estimate that it will take thousands of years to complete the final fusion. At that time, evil will break out again." Sia calculated the process and came up with an appalling figure. It only took a thousand years for the initial fusion!
Diana glanced at the superheroes who were on the earth. "After a thousand years, my friends will not have much left ..."
Thea patted her on the shoulder. "Follow the laws of nature, let the heroes rest properly. I will always be by your side. Justice will never decline. I have left some metal for the superhero army. They will inherit the predecessors. Last will, to continue fighting evil in the thirty-first century, you have to believe in young people. "
Diana gave her a white look. "You are so old!"
Thea grinned and patted her back. "It's so easy to end the war, let's go, let's go back to earth for a few days."
The earth is still the same, and Thea fulfills her promise, resurrects the father of the black manta ray, and sends away the inverse lightning.
The Golden Bari in the dark multiverse did not return to them with the Lord. He believed that the dark world was his home. He would continue to maintain peace and rebuild his home there.
The superheroes returned to their homes, took off their hoods, and returned to the crowd, living their own ordinary lives and extraordinary adventures.
A month later, Gotham.
Wayne's old house, a wedding reception is being held here today.
Famous Bruce Wayne is back in the public eye. He is going to marry a civilian woman, Selena Kyle, today.
The celebrities are gathered together, and the superheroes hide their identities to participate in this hard-won wedding.
Catwoman succeeded in writing her name into the Wayne family tree and turning herself into Selena Wayne. The twenty-year wish was finally reached today, at this time facing the guests or the sheep in her eyes, The smile was extremely cheerful.
Thea thinks that 70% of her is because of love, and the other 30% is because of money!
Damian had a stepmother, and at this time did not know if she should cry or laugh, but she could only stretch her face and make it deep.
One-on-one church weddings, swear, wear rings, still spend, celebrate. In the evening, the guests retreated, and the place was completely heroic.
Looking at the hustle and bustle, Diana suddenly felt inexplicably sad. The heroes have already settled down and entered the middle age. Now even Bruce has a home. It seems that it is time to end the era, right?
Seeing her sorrow, Thea pulled her out of Wayne's old house.
"Where are you going?" Diana today is wearing a long skirt, tall and bright, but she is a bit lazy.
"Let's get married too." Diana's words startled Diana, then she covered her mouth and laughed.
"My identity is British, and same-sex marriage laws in the United States have no effect on me."
Thea snorted. "The law can't restrain us anymore. The one in Bruceby is a fake God. Let's find the true God to be the emcee today!"
She said, "What do you think?"
To this day, she can still be politely praised by her presence and is ready to come out.
Phantom Mocha's Sherina came out old-fashioned.
Diana almost exclaimed, how come a dog? It's still an old dog that looks a little older ... but she believes that She can't make a fool of herself, she just looks so quiet.
"I think ..." Sherina glanced at the young lady and decided to give this face "I see."
Thea applauded, "Will your body come?"
"The ontology can't come, now there is only a consciousness." Sherina could not see any expression.
Thea frowned slightly, and finally decided not to force, let her be conscious.
Seeing that she nodded in agreement, Sherina scratched her face, her face strange, and disappeared.
A second later, the whole world felt a tremor, symbolizing that a grand and majestic existence was coming.
"What is this guy?" Diana whispered.
"A piece of consciousness left by God, call yourself the voice of heaven ... shall we change our clothes?"
Diana twisted a bit ~ ~ but in the eyes of Thea quickly changed to a pure white wedding dress.
Giving her a very familiar look, Thea changed her suit.
Regardless of their status in the "examination", the outside world, Thea, who has the highest combat strength, represents the image of the two.
A big, fuzzy face appeared in the sky, covering the sky, and even then, it was impossible to fully enter the world, which was too big for the world.
At this moment, the voice of the sky asked, "Miss Thea Quinn, are you willing to marry Miss Diana Prince? Will you take care of her forever, protect her, care for her, and never give up with her?" "
I have to say that the voice of the sky is very powerful. After a few simple words, it becomes the law of the world, and the words enter the wall of origin ...
Diana looked at her with a happy face, with both excitement and longing on her face. You should know that they were still at Bruce's wedding scene five minutes ago.
Thea didn't hesitate and said aloud, "I do."
Voice of Heaven asked Diana this time, "Excuse me, Diana Prince, would you marry Miss Thea Quinn? Whether you are rich or poor in the future, whether he is healthy or ill, you are willing to agree with Is he together? "
When asked, the voice of the sky was strange, how could it be, disease? poverty? If the second sister Sia can encounter these two things, then the entire multiverse may have to explode.
As if thinking of the language problem in the question, Diana resisted the smile and nodded quickly "I would!"
The voice of the voice of the sky sounds through the entire dc world, whether in the multiverse or in the realm of gods, the realm of the watcher, covering all planes. "I declare that you are officially married as husband and wife until the end of the world. Will change! "
[End of Book]
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