Vol 2 Chapter 4769: Sister-in-law (51)

When Tang Guo took Jin Heng home, there was no one in the family.
Chen Yufen and Tang Shi are both busy now.
"I'll take you to the room first, and then take you to the factory canteen to eat." Now Tang Guo is at home, and he eats in the factory. So far, her family don't want her to cook, and she doesn't like cooking much.
Jin Heng looked at the beautiful little yard in front of him. He didn't expect that there were still a lot of flowers and plants in this little yard.
In the past few years, after the days have gone better, the Tang family has repaired the house and has no intention of building a building for the time being. The family likes this spacious yard, so it looks like it is now.
These flowers and plants were made by Tang Guo.
Sometimes, she will bring students back to admire the flowers and plants.
Most of the people in the nearby villages have repaired their houses, and some of them are more substantial, they just pushed the houses to rebuild.
Jin Heng felt that this was too different from what he thought.
After entering the village, the people he met were not the kind he imagined. Everyone might be wearing patched clothes.
If Tang Guo knew about this, he would definitely tell Jin Heng that people in the nearby villages might wear old ones, but it's basically impossible to wear patches. It is the clothes eliminated from the factory, enough for them to wear.
"Let's go, Teacher Jin."
After Tang Guo arranged a room for Jin Heng, he greeted him in the direction of the factory.
Jin Heng came back to his senses and followed Tang Guo's side.
On the way, Tang Guo gave Jin Heng a serious introduction to the situation in the village in recent years. Jin Heng listened carefully and sighed as he listened. In such a potential village, some of his classmates who want to teach, do not know whether they want to come.
After having dinner with Jin Heng in the cafeteria, Tang Guo took him to the factory again. Anyone who sees her will greet her, and she will introduce to others by the way, Jin Heng is a new teacher at the school.
The people in the village have a heartfelt respect for the profession of the teacher. Even the most bitter and mean people in the village will become respectful when they hear it is the teacher of the village primary school.
It was the first time that Jin Heng was treated with such an attitude. At the beginning, he planned well. There may be many parents in the village who do not want their children to go to school. What should he do?
The current situation is that he only needs to teach knowledge seriously when he comes to school, and he doesn't have to worry about other things at all.
He knew that all these changes should have come from the Tang family.
He also noticed that people who come and go look at Tang Guo's eyes are different, no one can pretend that kind of gratitude from the heart.
"Teacher Jin, I will take you to the school tomorrow to get familiar with the environment. The day after tomorrow you will formally get along with the students."
Jin Heng replied: "Good."
"By the way, Teacher Jin, which subjects are you good at?" Tang Guo asked.
There is no problem with the language and mathematics of the school.
Several older teachers are pretty good in calligraphy, and occasionally teach classmates in calligraphy.
But when they get older, they will retire when young teachers are replaced by the school.
Tang Guo hopes that there will be more young teachers. Unfortunately, those who are able to come are willing to go to good schools and develop in big cities. The rest is incompetent.
Teaching elementary school is still very different from teaching kindergarten.
"It should be all right." Jin Heng thought about what he is good at, and the knowledge he has stored is more than enough to teach elementary school students.
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