Vol 2 Chapter 5071: Peerless man task object (32)

When she wanted to come, this might be a trick of fate, no fate.
Since Lin Yikai became a consort by mistake, she has a bright future, so she doesn't need to worry about anything.
At this time, she has not yet remembered those memories from the past.
Perhaps those memories were too painful, and she subconsciously forgot.
However, what has happened is what has happened, and when you should remember it, you will still remember it.
That night, a culprit broke into the flower building, and she happened to hear the movement. She came out to check and was knocked out by the culprit.
This faint, the memory that was once lost, flooded like a tide.
When she woke up, beat her chest and feet in the room, and howled, she was the one who hated herself the most at that time. Because of the memory that she didn't want to recall, she subconsciously avoided it, and failed to remember it in time.
She has been looking forward to good people, who turned out to be the ones who killed her parents.
As for her, she even wanted to steal her life again, and she didn't know if her parents under Jiuquan knew about it and would scold her day and night.
Because of the kind relationship she had formed earlier, the girl in the flower house was very kind to her. Seeing her crying miserably, she asked her what happened.
She picked up the pen and wrote down the thing, which caused the girls to scold her with her and said she wanted to help her get revenge.
Over the years, she has been paying attention to Lin Yikai's situation and learned that he is more and more valued by the emperor. These flower-house girls have no power and power, and it is a dead end to face him. Their fate is not good, how could she implicate innocent people in, so she refused their kindness.
The girls knew that they couldn't help, so they pooled money to redeem her, at least so that she could be free and do what she wanted to do.
This time, she did not refuse.
Getting free, taking the entanglement given by the girls, and hitting the road, is a road to revenge without chance.
Coming to the capital? She tried to get into the princess's mansion. After several inquiries, she learned that Princess Taiyue's preference is food. She remembered that Princess Taiyue had been to the small town where she lived many years ago, mostly for that bite.
Because of her ugly appearance, it is impossible for her to enter the princess's mansion alone.
Lin Yikai had a lot of guards beside him, making it impossible to assassinate.
As for the poisoning, Lin Yikai obtained her Tang family's medical book? Is the medical skills much better than her? It is very difficult to succeed, and it is almost impossible to succeed in poisoning.
Knowing Princess Taiyue's preferences? She spent ten years traveling all over the country? After learning the authentic food from various places, she returned to the capital again. This time, with her cooking skills, she finally got the qualification to enter the princess mansion.
In the princess mansion? She saw Lin Yikai? Because of his position and power? His aura was different from before.
Lin Yikai was seeing her? He didn't look much at all. In his opinion, this was just a cook. Heard of his ugly appearance? Seeing his face covered with white frost again? I am even less interested. The impression she left on Lin Yikai was that she was an ugly cook who cooked good food.
She was practicing every day, how to give Lin Yi a fatal blow.
I don't know if Lin Yikai is afraid of death? No matter when, there will always be a guard next to him watching, with her skill? He can't get close at all. Maybe he was killed by this guard before he got close.
She can only continue to lurch? After many years, she still found a chance. Perhaps the food she cooked was too delicious. There have been no accidents in the past few years. Lin Yikai has regarded her as a trusted cook in the house.
She never thought about poisoning, naturally she didn't arouse any suspicion, and she never showed medical skills.
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