Chapter 980: Beautiful girls (25)

Chang Zhan was a little more complicated than his eyes, and he almost blurted out, are you stupid? How can these two boys feel at ease. All this is just their conspiracy. They want to see you show their true colors. It is estimated that people have spread rumors, and finally they will lend you a helping hand.
But he restrained. Hearing that Tang Guo didn't like the two of them, he didn't think there was any need to talk about this topic.
"Remember what you said, your status and status are far apart, and there is no good end to getting involved with them. Your academic performance is good, you should study hard now, take a good university in the future, and consider your personal feelings later."
System: Smile to death, is this the old professor possessed?
"My thoughts are the same as Chang Zhan's senior. I am working hard to improve academic performance."
"That's good." Chang Zhan pursed his lips. Seeing Tang Guo had been eating ice cream, he blurted out, "Girls don't eat too much ice cream."
Tang Guo raised her eyes and smiled, and answered sweetly, "I know, thank you, senior, for your concern."
The voice of Chang Zhan was a little flustered, and he stood up quickly, "I have already paid for it. You eat and go back by yourself, I'll go now."
"Senior, go slowly, go home and be safe." Tang Guo hurriedly greeted her, her voice still so nice.
Even if Chang Zhan turned his back to the other party, he could imagine that good-looking face, and the smile that emerged must be full of blooming flowers.
Sitting in the car, Chang Zhan felt a lot more relaxed when he remembered that Tang Guo said that he had no interest in Zuo Ran.
In this case, Zuo Ran and Wei Liang could not hurt her either. Although they are friends who have grown up since childhood, he does not approve of their behavior. If he can, he will try to avoid them from harming innocent girls.
Let alone the thoughtful girl before, this Tang Guo, according to his observation, is indeed a good girl.
Time is hurried, one semester passed, Tang Guo ushered in the final exam amid countless rumors.
The tense final exam is anxiously waiting.
When the transcript was posted, everyone in the school was shocked.
There was no other reason, Tang Guo's performance was beyond their expectations.
Her original grades were indeed good, but she never fluctuated between the top five and three of her grade, and she basically never got the first grade.
In this exam, she was the first in grade, and her score was several points higher than the second. The second place score is not low, but she only has one point deducted for her Chinese composition, and the others are full marks.
Such results make everyone in the school feel complicated.
The person who has been attacked by their words turned out to be a hidden academic bully. How does this make their hearts feel better?
Especially the people in Tang Guo's class have rarely discussed her in front of Tang Guo.
But as soon as Tang Guo left, they would whisper to each other again, which was even worse than the previous words.
The other people in the school too, maybe they all think that Tang Guo's excellent grades and beautiful appearance are hitting them in the face.
For this untouchable achievement, they just want to pull her off the altar, and they always have to find some shortcomings in her body to feel balanced.
It's like, facing a rich man in an enemy country, first is envy, then jealous, thinking in my heart is how wealthy oneself is not so rich.
If this rich person is exposed to the chaotic private life, the jealous person will laugh and talk, and the rich person's life is really chaotic. In this way, it seems that the heart is balanced and more comfortable.
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