Chapter 984: Beautiful girls (29)

On the day before school started, Tang Guo met with 30 top lawyers in the world.
These lawyers from all over the world looked at each other in surprise when they discovered that each other had been invited to this villa.
Because they are all too famous, they are peers, and they know a lot of news.
They greeted each other, and when they saw that the host's family hadn't come, they exchanged information about their visit this time.
After the exchange, they learned that the host's method of notifying them was all by email, and it was their private mailbox.
Although they didn't disclose the trading conditions for their coming here, everyone is smart and should guess that it must be something that can satisfy each other so that they can come to this place without any trouble.
When Tang Guo appeared in front of them, everyone stood up in surprise. Many years later, they remembered this magical meeting, and it was still hard to forget.
"Welcome everyone, and thank you very much for coming."
They were prepared when they came. Although Tang Guo spoke English, some people who did not speak English well understood Tang Guo's words through the translator.
Even if they were surprised that the only person who invited them to come was the oriental girl who seemed to be only a teenager, they were still willing to wait patiently.
They greeted Tang Guo in their familiar language, and they knew each other.
"If you can come here, it means that you are willing to take over the lawsuit this time. The information in the email is true. I want to sue those people." Tang Guo sat on the sofa and said calmly, "I invite you, I don't hesitate to exchange what you are interested in, and the purpose is to win this lawsuit. You are all the top lawyers in the world. The so-called strong alliance should not disappoint me."
The lawyers looked at each other and said, "We are here, of course, we are sure to win this lawsuit," a lawyer said excitedly, "Moreover, I am not just for the one that Miss Tang took out for me. Very interested baby."
"Believe, they are the same. No one between us has ever taken over such a lawsuit. We are more interested, curious, Miss Tang's thoughts are really too mysterious, and what you did is too courageous. We are just like you, and our purpose is to win."
As long as they can win, they will get far more than the treasure Tang Guo gave them. This will be the first most amazing lawsuit in the world. Because it has too many defendants.
"However, we need to do a lot of preparation and it will take a lot of time. Miss Tang, if we are not in a hurry, we can spend a year collecting evidence to ensure that the other party has no way to refute."
"No, I'm very anxious." Tang Guo said, "You only have one month to prepare."
The lawyers at the scene looked at each other and communicated in a low voice, thinking it was a bit difficult.
"I invite you all. Of course, the evidence is sufficient. I have all the evidence you want." Tang Guo took out a stack of thick compact discs and placed it on the coffee table. "I think there is nothing more proof than the contents inside. . If these things are handed over to you, and this lawsuit cannot be won, I think you will surely lose your reputation."
These lawyers were not upset by this sentence, on the contrary they only stared at the thick stack of CDs with interest.
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