Chapter 848: 301 laboratory

Seeing Zhang Xiaoming, Zhang Fan couldn't help but yell out.
First of all, Zhang Xiaoming is just a martial emperor.
When Zhang Fan met Zhang Xiaoming, he had already lived for more than four hundred years. Now that two hundred years have passed, it is impossible for him to live until now.
Secondly, even if he lived to the present, he never expected that he would meet Zhang Xiaoming here.
Isn't this too ridiculous?
Zhang Xiaoming smiled and nodded, and said, "Follow me in."
Then Zhang Fan was welcomed into the courtyard gate.
In doubt, Zhang Fan followed Zhang Xiaoming into the courtyard.
Although this courtyard is also very large, it is not as grand as the previous palace.
But at this time Zhang Fan could not observe these things, he asked: "Can you tell me what is going on?"
Zhang Xiaoming said: "Follow me in first. After you go in, you will naturally understand all this."
Helpless, Zhang Fan had to follow Zhang Xiaoming into the front room.
This door looks very technological.
And when Zhang Fan came to the door of the house, the doorman made a woman's voice: "Welcome to the 301 laboratory."
"Laboratory 301?!"
Hearing this sentence, Zhang Fan almost jumped up.
Looking up, I saw a sign hanging directly above the gate.
The handwriting displayed on the sign happened to be "Three One Laboratory".
Zhang Fan was completely messed up.
what happened?
What is going on with all this?
Zhang Xiaoming, an earthling, will appear here, and the 301 laboratory that he had escaped from before appears here again?
This is the rhythm that drives people crazy.
At this time the door has been opened, Zhang Xiaoming said to Zhang Fan: "Go in."
He took Zhang Fan and entered the room.
Enter this room, first is a long corridor.
Zhang Fan followed Zhang Xiaoming to the end of the corridor and there was an elevator.
Riding the elevator, after going down the fifth floor, came to a hall.
This hall is very large, covering an area of ​​about one square kilometer.
In the center of the hall, various translucent screens are suspended.
On the screen, there are many pictures, from the earth, from the fairy world, and even from the four-dimensional space.
Below these screens, there is a plump woman in a purple dress, standing in front of those screens, busy with something.
Zhang Xiaoming didn't speak, and Zhang Fan couldn't speak any more.
The two stood behind the woman, watching her busy all the time.
I saw many strange creatures on a screen.
The strength of these creatures seems extremely powerful. Meeting the gods and killing the gods, meeting the Buddha and killing the Buddha, they seem to have ruled the planet.
But the woman pointed a finger on the interface, and the next moment, a force that Zhang Fan couldn't understand instantly descended on that planet.
And those powerful creatures disappeared in an instant, and none of them could escape.
Zhang Fan was shocked.
It turned out that the tens of millions of people on Nirvana Island and the five billion disciples of Ten Thousand Poison Valley disappeared like this!
It is possible that everything was done by the woman in front of her.
"who are you?"
Zhang Fan asked.
The woman slowly turned around and looked at Zhang Fan with interest.
Although this woman's appearance is not of the very beautiful kind, it is of the kind that is very attractive, and the more attractive the better.
Is this the legendary fat goddess?
But at this time Zhang Fan didn't have such a leisurely mind. He opened his mouth and said: "Just now there was a guy outside who claimed to be a who was destroyed by me.
The woman chuckled softly and said, "That's just what I turned out to test you."
"Test me? Why?"
Zhang Fan asked.
The woman stretched her waist, pointed to the screens behind her, and said, "Because I have been doing this work for tens of thousands of years, it is very boring. So I am in the 30,000+ planes under my jurisdiction. , I have built several 301 laboratories to cultivate new gods. I call it the God-Making Project myself. You are one of them, and the only one that has successfully grown into a Valkyrie. Now you want to succeed me Of course, work has to stand the test."
Hearing this, Zhang Fan only felt a shock in his heart.
All these things that I experienced turned out to be just a god-making plan of this woman who claimed to be a god?
I thought that fate was in my own hands, but in the end it was in the hands of others.
His heart was shocked, and he felt uncomfortable.
"Who said I would replace you?"
Zhang Fan said coldly: "A move of your finger will destroy thousands or hundreds of millions of creatures. I can't do this kind of work."
"Humph," the woman snorted coldly, "If you can't do it, you have to do it. It's hard to cultivate you out of 30,000 planes. How can you easily fly out of my palm?"
What more Zhang Fan had to say, Zhang Xiaoming next to him persuaded: "Zhang Fan, listen to my advice and do it. Although you are now a Valkyrie, there are even stronger Lord Gods and Creation Gods above the Valkyrie. To become stronger, and to go further, you have to get in touch with these more. What's more, with a move of your finger, so many living beings will be wiped out, and you are only acting according to the heavenly path. You are the son of the heavenly chosen, and the heavenly chosen to do this work. of."
Zhang Fan was a little confused and didn't know how to answer.
Zhang Xiaoming also said: "You already have endless life. In this endless life, you can't do nothing, right? No matter how big the fairy world is, you will always get bored. You always want to go to a wider world. Nowadays, There are 30,000 different planes in front of you. You can experience them at will. And if you want, you can also experience them with people you like. Isn’t that good?"
Hearing this, Zhang Fan began to ponder.
"Trust me, this job looks boring, but it's not. When you really become the main god, you will understand."
Zhang Fan turned his head and looked at Zhang Xiaoming, but did not immediately agree.
After a while, he asked: "How did you get here?"
Zhang Xiaoming replied: "I have guarded that energy spar for more than four hundred Seeing that my life is about to end, I was accidentally discovered by Lord Lord God. She brought me back and gave me an endless life span. And asked me to help him occasionally run errands on other planes. I am truly grateful to Lord Lord God."
Hearing this, Zhang Fan thought for a while, and asked: "If I become the main god, can I open a side to the longevity gate?"
The woman smiled and said, "Of course this is okay, otherwise you, the main god, will be too faceless. But you must have a degree when you open the net. If your school develops infinitely, you will eventually be taken by the God of Creation Realize that there will be some trouble then."
Zhang Xiaoming smiled slightly and said, "Actually, the God of Creation is not that old-fashioned. He is very good at talking very often. So Zhang Fan, believe me, becoming the main is very interesting and very helpful for you."
. m.
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